SEC - S6W5: A memorable day with my fiends


Hi steemian friends.

Before entering into the contest tips that the community applies first, I would like to invite my friends @ismuhadiadi, @aceh.keras, buk @sailawana, buk @dederanggayoni dan bang @jal08.

What did you do to make the day extra special? And the most memorable activity you did with your friends on the day?

Last September, I and 3 of my college friends namely Alimi, Rahmad and Ismuhadi went to Takengon to climb one of the iconic mountains there, namely Mount Burni Telong.

The day before climbing we stayed overnight at the house of one of our friends named Alimi because he is a native of Takengon while preparing the provisions we would take with us on the hike the next day.

On the first day of our trip, it was already very memorable because of our togetherness and teamwork when preparing climbing equipment, we prepared food together, prepared tents, cooking utensils and other equipment.



And in the afternoon, when we arrived at the climbing post and when we were about to climb this is where the most memorable thing happened when we made a promise to help each other and ups and downs together while climbing Mount Burni Telong.


Our climbing process this time was quite difficult because it was also the rainy season, we had to stop and rest many times when one of our friends felt tired.



What funny moments did you experience during your time together?

When we arrived at shelter 3 it was now 6 pm and soon it would be night, this is where a very funny thing happened so we couldn't help but laugh.


We brought two camping tents, but one of the tents we brought forgot we put in the tent poles which prevented us from using the tent. Finally, all four of us have to sleep in one tent tonight and this will be one of the funniest moments we've ever had while hiking.

What did you learn about your friends from spending time together?

In the process of our ascent this time I really know all of their true nature, it turns out that so far I have not mistakenly considered them good friends, they are all really loyal and their true nature is very good.

In our condition where all of us were very tired, none of them did not want to help when one of us needed help. Their kindness and loyalty can motivate me to always do good to others in any condition.

What was the most unexpected thing that happened throughout the day?

Before climbing we had predicted that tonight on the mountain it would not rain, but tonight really surprised us because it rained from last afternoon until tonight, fortunately we had prepared a portable stove that could be turned on in the tent.

So we didn't have to cook outside, because the bonfire couldn't be lit because the rain was quite heavy.

What would make the day even better if you could don't again?

Huhh, we feel very guilty for forgetting to bring one of the poles to support the camping tent, if we have the opportunity to climb the mountain again we will definitely be even more careful in checking our belongings so that this doesn't happen again.

How do you think the day impacted your friendship? What was the most meaningful conversation you had with your friends on the day?

When we arrived at the top of the mountain, I felt very happy because I could enjoy the extraordinary beauty of nature with my friends, and this is where the influence of our friendship was bound to be extraordinary, when we both helped each other hand in hand in the climbing process until we succeeded. reaching one of the highest mountain peaks in Aceh we are really happy.



Above this peak, we talked a lot about exciting things, of course, funny incidents that we experienced during the ascent. And the most meaningful thing in our conversation here is that we promised each other to keep our friendship tightly bound until we have children and grandchildren.

This is my post for taking part in the SEC contest this week, greetings Ikwal.

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