My Favorite Superhero



The world of comic books has brought about the advent of many superheroes, each with their own skills, personalities and abilities.

My favorite superheroes are from the Justice League. They use their powers for one purpose- to fight evil and bring peace. Sometimes I wish superheroes like Superman, wonder woman or Aqua man actually existed. There would have been alot of order in the world today. Now, let me not bore you with a long introduction. Let's get to the main reason for this article.

Whenever someone asks me who my favorite superhero is, the first person that pops into my brain is Aquaman. Strange right? I know it is. As a child I admired Superman and Spiderman. In fact, I never knew a Superhero called Aquaman even existed. However, in the year 2018, I stumbled on a movie 'Aquaman' and I decided to give it a try. I picked interest in the movie because of the main character, 'Jason Momoa'. He is an actor I admit so much. After watching that movie I decide to do some research on everything about Aquaman and I realized that so many changes had been made. The long blonde hair, the catchy blue eyes, the beard, the multiple tattoos and his suit were new features of the Aquaman. The former green and orange Aquaman did not appeal to most people.



Aquaman is half god and half human. He is the product of the love affair between an Atlantian Queen and a human. But the modern version says he is the son of an Atlantian Queen and a Sorcerer and he was raised by the human. He was detested by his half brother, the Ocean Master. After a lot of persuasion, he visited Atlatis for the first time. There, he met his half brother. Long story cut short, he challenged the ocean battle to a fight which he lost. He went on a quest to find the Trident. He eventually found it after facing a lot of deadly challenges. He came back to Atlantis and defeated the Ocean Master. He became the king of the seven seas and the ruler of Atlantis.


  • Originally, Aquaman had the power to talk to sea animals, but many people mocked him because they saw such power as 'lame'. As of recent, he has telephatic control. He can make sea creatures do his bidding without necessarily saying a word.
  • He has the ability to swim even in the deepest parts of the ocean.
  • He can swim at very high speeds.
  • He also controls water waves with his trident.
  • He has superhuman strength. It takes a lot of strength to swim so fast in an ocean. Swimming in the depths of the ocean also shows he has super strength.
    -Many do not know that Aquaman can manipulate the weather and electricity with his trident.
  • Aquaman can see in almost total darkness and he also has enhanced hearing.
  • Before now, Aquaman always rode on a horse fish. Recently, the old Sea Monarch gave him the power to fly.
  • He has bulletproof body.

I could go on and on. But with all these super powers, why isn't he as famous as Superman, Batman or Wonder woman?


Aquaman I hardly ever talks about in the world of superheroes. Some critics say they do not see him as a superhero because he doesn't do a lot of crime-fighting like other superheroes. Despite being the founding member of the Justice League, many say his powers at feeble and he is helpless without his fishes. There are so many on the list. More features have been added to the Aquaman because of most of these complains and I think the writers are doing a good job.


Aquaman is my favorite superhero because he's the only member of the Justice League that is a king! Not just the king of any town or village, but the king of Atlantis. Not just that! The very fact that he wields the weapon of one of the most powerful Greeks gods, Poseidon makes him the most powerful superhero ever!

I Invite @davidmarkgeorge @imohmitch and @johnmitchel

Cc: @disconnect


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