Contest: My thought about global warming and climate change. || @ismotara ||

Assalamu Alaikum Steemitian. I hope everyone is well by the grace of Allah. I am also well by the grace of Allah. I thank @msharif bhai for organizing the contest on such a beautiful topic. The main problem of the present time is global warming and climate change. As a result, the environment is being damaged in various ways. We are all at risk.

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What do you understand by global warming and climate change?

Global warming:

Climate change is a type of occurrence that includes global warming. It is defined by an overall rise in the Earth's average temperature, which alters the weather patterns and ecosystems for an extended period. We know it is closely related to the increase of greenhouse gas concentrations in our atmosphere and the deterioration of the greenhouse effect.
Because of human activity, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels, which raises the amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere, the planet's surface has steadily risen since the pre-industrial era (between 1850 and 1900).

Climate change:

A long-term change in the typical weather patterns that have characterized local, regional, and global climates on Earth is called climate change. The phrase is synonymous with a wide variety of observed outcomes resulting from these changes.
Human actions are responsible for the observed changes in Earth's climate since the middle of the 20th century.

What are the causes of global warming and climate change?

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The heat from the sun gets trapped on Earth due to greenhouse gas production. Global warming and climate change result from this. The rate of global warming is presently higher than it has ever been. Weather patterns shift due to warming temperatures, which also upset the natural order. This puts us and all other life on Earth in grave danger.

Producing power

We use fossil fuels to provide power, and heat accounts for a sizable portion of world emissions. Burning coal, oil, or gas still supplies most of the world's electricity, producing carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, two potent greenhouse gases that cover the planet and trap the sun's heat. A quarter of the world's electricity is generated by renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and other natural resources. In contrast to fossil fuels, they create very little to no greenhouse gases or other air pollutants.

Producing products

Emissions from manufacturing and industry are primarily the result of burning fossil fuels to create energy for producing items like textiles, electronics, plastics, cement, iron, and steel. Gases are also released during mining, other industrial activities, and construction. Certain products, including plastics, are manufactured from chemicals derived from fossil fuels, as are many of the machines used in manufacturing. These machines frequently run on coal, oil, or gas. The industrial sector is one of the leading global producers of greenhouse gas emissions.

Destroying forests

Cutting down forests to make way for farms, pastures, or other purposes increases emissions because the stored carbon is released when trees are felled. An estimated 12 million hectares of forest are burned annually. Destruction of forests reduces nature's capacity to keep emissions out of the atmosphere because they absorb carbon dioxide. A percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions are caused by deforestation, agriculture, and other land-use changes.

Overfishing, Industrialization, Farming, Consumerism, Transport and Vehicles, Oil Drilling, Power Plants, and Waste are the reason for global warming and climate change.

What are the natural disasters that we can face due to global warming and climate change?

The likelihood of more droughts and worse storms will likely grow with rising global surface temperatures. More water vapor evaporating into the sky fuels storms to grow stronger. Wind speeds in tropical storms may rise due to rising atmospheric temperatures and increasing ocean surface temperatures. Increasing sea levels reveal higher places generally shielded from the sea's power and its erosive currents and waves.

What can we do to solve the problem of global warming and climate change? Share your own opinion.

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We can all do our part to prevent global warming and protect the environment. We may contribute to the issue and affect change by making less destructive decisions for the environment.

  • Fossil fuels should remain underground.
  • Spend money on renewable energy
  • Use sustainable transportation instead
  • Keep our homes cozy for us.
  • Boost agriculture and promote vegan eating
  • Reclaim nature to increase carbon absorption
  • Please preserve the Amazonian woods.
  • Defend the waters.
  • Decrease the number of persons who consume plastic.

Individuals may also contribute by choosing better options for where they obtain their energy, how they travel, and what they consume. But, taking action as a group is the most effective approach for everyone to stop climate change. This entails pressure on organizations to alter their corporate policies and operational procedures.

Thanks for reading my post. I would like to invite my friends @mahadi, @robin42, & @kanijakborbd to participate this contest.

From #Bangladesh


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