BetterLife with Steam - The Diary Game || 20/10/2023 || Today my family and I went to see Kashfull.

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"

🌸Assalamu Alaikum To The Readers🌸

Starting with greeting and respect. I am @jebanikajeba, from Bangladesh. Sharing with you today the experience of visiting Kashful with family. Today is Friday holiday. Since morning, my younger brothers were demanding to be taken out for a walk. So I took them to see Kashful to fulfil their wish and make them happy.


Now is the season of kashful. Autumn really begins the reign of Kashful. Kashfull is seen everywhere in this season. A park very close to our house has many kashfull. So we all decided to go see Kashful after lunch. We got ready and left the house. I walked a little and got onto the main road. We went by rickshaw to see Kashful.


Within 15 minutes we got down in front of the park gate. Outside the park there were small stalls of various foods. Friday is a holiday. And everyone likes to roam around on holidays. Many people came there with their family, friends, and children.


Going in I felt that we were quite late as if we had gone a week earlier we would have been able to enjoy Kashful to the fullest. Kashful does not last for long. Still many people came to see it.


Seeing so many people, I felt like I had come to a fair rather than a park. My younger brother also took two bags of chocolates, chips, and a football. They said they will play football in the park. Seeing so many people strolling through the park and snapping photos was pleasant.


Most of the flowers had fallen. I found some kashfull and took pictures with them. I like the colour of Kashful. Everyone flock's to see the beauty of this flower given by nature. Everyone is enjoying the beauty of Kashful. I also enjoyed seeing Kashful and spending time with my family.


🌸Hope Everyone Like To Read My Post🌸


Well Wishes For Everyone
🌸Thank you 🌸

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