|| Betterlife the diary game || 27-12-23 December || Today I did a lot of shopping and made pitha in the afternoon.

Assalamu Alaikum Steemians

My username is @jimiaera02 and I'm from Bangladesh.

How are you all doing as friends? Assalamu Alaikum. Hope is fine with you guys. By Allah's mercy and your prayers, I am also well. I'm sharing with you all of my Wednesday diary blog today. So, let me tell you about my all day. This morning, I got up early. I offered Fajr prayers. Then I went to prepare breakfast in the kitchen. I had a modest tea breakfast after preparing the meal.

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collage photo.

I plan to visit Rajshahi's court market today to purchase some essential items for my house. So, I prepared to head to the market. Since the market sells fresh fish and veggies in the morning, I went to the court market early today. I also purchased fish, fruit, and some fresh veggies in the market. 500 grams of kamaranga were purchased from a roadside van since my older son insisted on eating it.

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Item NameQuantityLocal PriceSteem Price
vegetables5 item330 Taka11.81 Steem
fish2 kg580 Taka20.75 Steem
fruit2 item32011.45 steem

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For the kamaranga, I paid 40 tk . At about 1230 TK, I went shopping. The same store has rows upon rows of biscuits and other things. I went shopping. While I was shopping, I looked at the product's quality. I made my shopping trip to Bismillah Confectionery. For three hundred and twenty Bangladeshi taka, I purchased a packet of premade paratha from Kazi Farms Kitchen. I bought a packet of murir moa.

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Item NameQuantityLocal PriceSteem Price
paratha1 pac320 Taka11.45 Steem
oil1 pac275 Taka9.84 Steem
jaggery date1 kg260 Taka9.30 steem
baby lotion1120 Taka4.29 steem
biscuit1 kg100 Taka3.57 steem

Thirty taka was the price. I spent 260 takes on a kilogram of date jaggery this winter because now there is no substitute for eating pitha. Next, I got some biscuits and baby lotion for the kids, as well as oil for myself.

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I made all of the payments to the store. I then returned home. It is now time to prepare lunch. I took some time to refresh and rest. I then started cooking and got everything ready for lunch. After I was done cooking, I gave the kids a bath. I prayed after taking a bath.

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All the family members had lunch together. After that, I took a short nap. Bengali homes are currently occupied with preparing winter pithapuli. With date jaggery, I created the famous vapa pitha today.

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My boys adore eating vapa pitha. I had a terrific time making this vapa pitha with coconut, milk, and date jaggery. By Allah's grace, this is a very lovely day. I'll get back to you all with the diary blog on another day. God Hafez.


Goodbye for today: thanks for reading, stay safe, and I hope all of you are well.



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