🫔🫔Winter Patisapata pitha made by me.🫔🫔

Assalamu Alaikum Steemians

My username is @jimiaera02 and I'm from Bangladesh.

Greetings in Assalamualikum. Hope everything is good with you. With Allah's favor, I am doing well too. We may see the first signs of winter in the morning. A cold feeling in the morning rattles the brain. As the dawn bursts through the fog and casts a silvery light across the trees, the dew on them glistens. There's seldom a more peculiar scene than this one on a winter morning. Every home hosts a pitha-eating celebration. Every home has a pitha celebration in the winter. Many individuals move to villages from cities. Village homes fill up with visitors. Delectable pithas of several varieties are prepared. Winter mornings are charming and joyous. Bengalis are known for their luscious complexion thanks to patisapta, vapapuli, oil pitha, chitai pitha soaked in date juice, and other varieties of pithas. I'm going to give you the patisapta pitha recipe today.
1rice flour2 cup
2flour1 cup
5dairy powder2pac
6coconut chopped1 cup
7garam maslaquantity
8food colouryellow

Step 1:

I started by setting a pot on the stove. For Patisapat Pitha, I'll prepare khirsa. I added milk to the pot along with garam masala.

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step 2:

I'm going to add the grated coconut after the milk in the pot reaches a boil. I'll add sugar once it's cooked for a while. In order for the khirsa to thicken rapidly, I'll add some semolina.

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step 3:

In this stage, I'll lower the stove's heat to cook the pita khirsata. To prevent it from sticking to the pot's bottom, stir continuously. My patisapata pitha khirsa is now prepared.

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step 4:

To produce the dough for the pita, I will now combine flour and rice powder. At that point, the pithas will be exquisite and sturdy when taken out of the pot. I'll give it a little while after I've made the dough.

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Step 5:

At this point, turn on the stove. To ensure that the pithas turn out well, I will keep the oven temperature at medium. I'll wait with the prepared dough pot for a while.

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step 6:

I'll use the khirsa to wrap the patisapat pitha in this phase. It's now time for my patisapat pitha.

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Step 7:

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step 8:finally

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The celebration of pies is winter. Winter is when I make different pithas. There are six distinct seasons in Bangladesh. Among these is the winter. Winter is when new paddy grows. With that rice began the house-to-house pitha feast. Date juice and jaggery are combined to make many varieties of pitha. Bengali houses produce several varieties of pitha besides Patisapata pitha. Pitha is a component of Bengali culture. Winter pies have also added diversity to our menu. coming to an end right now. I will return later with a recipe for another winter pie.


Goodbye for today: thanks for reading, stay safe, and I hope all of you are well.



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