Contest:"Ego is the root of the fall". by @jollymonoara

Assalamu Alaikum

Hello, I am @jollymonoara, and Bangladeshi.

How are you? I hope Everyone is fine and healthy by the All Mighty Allah. I am also well. I am very honored to participate in this community and thank you Admin @msarif who organized this contest.

Cadet Blue Playful Angry Friday Instagram Story.png

What is the contest about?

The saying "Ego is the root of the fall" is an eternal truth. There are many rich people in this society who own a lot of wealth but their relatives are poor so they feel shy to introduce themselves to everyone. This pride is only because he has a lot of money. They don't consider people as people for this money. But they do not think once that this money will not be there one day. As a result of too much pride, everything will end. This community has organized a contest on a beautiful topic where we will try to give our own opinion. I shall try to describe my best.


1 . Do you think is arrogant? Highlight the characteristics of egoists.

I am the best creature in the world of God's creation. The person who pleases the soul is the only one who has the love and pleasure of Allah. It is because of this love that we love each other and all creatures of creation. There will be no greed in this good house. There will be no distinction between rich and poor. Everyone will be on the same page. But because a rich person has wealth, that wealth cannot be boasted about. If he goes to brag about his wealth, he will become arrogant. This is how pride is created in people.

But I don't think I have any Ego, although I will try to get rid of it. Every year Allah gives us an opportunity to eradicate Ego in this month of Ramadan. I will definitely make the most of this opportunity.


The character of ago

The word ego means to be proud, to brag about oneself, to boast, and is an expression of arrogance. To be proud is to consider yourself the greatest in the world and to give yourself precedence over others in various ways. An arrogant person looks down on everyone except himself.

In the world, man strives for his lineage, his wealth, his physical beauty, and his power. Many a learned man again brags about his knowledge and that I know more.


I am the king

In fact, people harbor pride in their hearts. People show this pride in their behavior, speech, and actions. Because of this arrogance, Iblis was cursed by Allah and expelled from paradise. No one loves, and no one likes an arrogant person.

I have nothing in the world, all that exists is by the grace of the great creator, we get it as a result of our actions. And everything becomes mine because I get it.

So I say never be arrogant.

2. Do you think if we are perfect at something we should brag about it?

I feel and believe that if we are perfect at something, we should not brag about it in any way.

Allah has created this world and created man and every living thing. He has determined food, shelter, and work for everyone. Whatever we do is a gift from God. The crops we grow are also a gift from God. Our talent is also a gift from God. With this talent, we have achieved many things with our labor. I am the owner of a lot of wealth and I am a person of great status and all that is due to the grace of Allah. So what is my creation here? I am a famous doctor or a famous businessman and the owner of abundant wealth, I have nothing to brag about here. Everything is in the form of donations.

Allah created us from the earth and we have to leave this earth again. We came to earth with empty hands. Nothing will go with us except three and a half hands of white cloth. So what is arrogance or pride?

If we are very rich, we should not be proud, we should not brag about our wealth because this wealth will end one day.
Every human being in the world has some kind of deficiency. He who has wealth may not have people to enjoy wealth. There is a lot of money but no peace of mind. Therefore, it does not befit him to be proud. To be proud or boastful is only for him who has no lack. Allah gives wealth to the rich to distribute among the poor.

So we will discard pride in our mind and we will not brag about any of our things. We will not look down on the rich or poor. I will not belittle anyone's work. I will not consider anyone inferior.


The rich and the poor are partying together


At my neighbor's party with my sons

3 . Have you found anyone on this Steemit platform to be arrogant? If so, why do you think so?

No, I have never found anyone so arrogant on this Steemit platform. The people I've met on Steemit are very helpful and never hesitate to knock on anything, anytime, and never hesitate to answer or help.

I have been working on Steemit's platform for several months. I haven't been rejected by anyone yet. When I messaged anyone for help, I got an instant reply. And this community especially Steem for Bangladesh this community is more helpful for the people of my country. The admin, and moderators of this community are so helpful that they are always ready to help us in any matter.

Lots of prayers and love especially for @ripon0630, @mssarif @solaymann brothers. They have no ego and may they always remain egoless. All of these communitarians are friends of each other, there is no enmity between friends.
So I don't find anyone arrogant in this community and I don't think of them in any way.

4. Properly analyze the root of the fall of the Ego.

The ego is the root of the fall. The first detestable act in this world is pride. When Allah Ta'ala asked Iblis to prostrate to Hazrat Adam (A.S.), then why did Iblis make of light, why did Hazrat Adam (A.S.) who was made of clay prostrate? Arrogance awakens in the mind of Iblis because of the creation of light. So he refused to prostrate to Hazrat Adam (as). In the words of the Qur'an - the one who is arrogant and arrogant.

For this arrogance, Allah expelled Iblis and cursed him. Then Iblis came down to earth telling Allah about the enmity of man. Satan's oath and the order he is creating on earth today by the power of this oath. And the main thing is the ego.
ego is a terrible disease that does not manifest itself in the body, it is a disease of the human mind, and it is manifested in the behavior of people. There is no treatment for this terrible disease.

Now, what is Ego?

It is Ego to think yourself big and think small and belittle other people. A person can be small in family, nobility, money, and education. It is not our pride to belittle him. Ego is to belittle him because he is small. Once the disease of arrogance takes root, it will continue to grow. Jealousy, hatred, and enmity arise from this Ego. This arrogance destroys a person's inner self, he has no good qualities left. Being proud, he does not consider people as humans, he behaves like a dog and a cat. No one likes this person anymore. Allah does not like a proud person.

The most loved and respected by Allah is the one who possesses Taqwa. Having a high family, nobility, and money does not mean having Taqwa. You have to acquire the quality of Taqwa, you cannot be noble without the quality of Taqwa. Wealth, money, beauty, and nothing else makes people noble, only Taqwa makes people noble.


The one who attains Taqwa will never look down on any human being, and will never despise a human being Never think of yourself as an elite. It is displeasing to Allah to boast, to make something my own, to brag.

From today, everyone I and we promise to give up pride, and never to harbor envy in our hearts. No one likes a proud person, everyone hates him.

I want to invite my friends @sadiaafreen,@fatemamarketing, and @mahadislam to the contest.

Thank you for reading my content, Wish you all the best .

Best Regards,


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