Contest – How is Labour Day celebrated in yourcountry?

Assalamu Alaikum

I am @jollymonoara and Bangladeshi.
How is everyone in the community? Hope everyone is well and healthy by the grace of Allah.
Steem for Bangladesh community has again organized @ripon0630 a new contest. The contest is an exciting thing related to labor day.

Contest – How is Labour Day celebrated in your country?

Colorful Illustratif Happy Labor Day Celebration Poster.png

In this society, those who are constantly helping us with their labor and time in exchange for certain money are the workers in our language. They work tirelessly day and night for just two meals a day. Because of them, huge buildings are being built in our society, the environment is beautiful and clean. Some of them are becoming big industrialists and big businessmen because of their tireless work. But in the eyes of society, they are workers, they do not get paid properly and they have to do a movement to get a fair salary.

But because of them, we are able to enjoy so much comfort, if they did not grow crops, what would we eat, if they were not cleaners, then who would have kept this environment tidy? But we don't want to pay their salary, we don't give them respect.

We should pay the price of their wages, but we have to collect the price of their wages by movement. In their honor, Labour Day is celebrated every year in the world. This community has organized a contest on Labour Day, as a participant, I will try to answer every question.



How is Labour Day celebrated In your country?

Why do we celebrate this day?

In 1886 in Chicago, America, when they started a movement to demand 8 hours of daily work, many labor policemen died in a bomb explosion in that movement. Since then, the International Conference of Socialists in 1904 called on socialist democratic parties and labor unions to hold marches and processions on May Day around the world to demand 8 hours of daily work and establish peace. All the labor unions around the world decided to go to work on May 1st. Since then every year around the world May 1st Labor Day has been celebrated.


Labor Day is celebrated in Bangladesh every year on May 1st. That day is a public holiday. On the occasion of that day, the Honorable Prime Minister and the President of the country give a speech on the occasion of Labor Day which is shown on TV. On that day various government and non-governmental organizations march with the Labor Day banner in their hands. Apart from this, various organizations organize various discussions, seminars, cultural programs, and other programs on the occasion of Labor Day.


Various political organizations of the country, labor federations, and trade unions held various programs. Every year Labour Day is celebrated with a theme.

The theme of this year in our country is 2023-"Worker Owner Unity, Build Smart Bangladesh".

Are workers in your country getting fair wages? How’s their life?

As far as I know as a citizen of the country, the workers of my country are not getting fair wages.
I often see various garment workers in my country marching to demand wages, if our demands are not met, we will not go to work, and garments are closed. After a few days, these various garment workers entered the field, and labor-owner clashed in some garments. Because they don't get their salary. It can be seen that for 8 hours of duty, one has to work 16 hours many times. As such, do they get 16-hour wages, no.



That's all about the garment workers, besides there are other workers in our country such as masons, cleaners, transport workers, and many others. If the sewers did not clean our garbage then the environment would be filled with garbage, if the transport workers did not help in transportation how would we travel?
In fact, they are working for us from that position. Their demand is only one, their fair dues.

Their lifestyle

The life journey of some laborers is challenging. Especially for those who are tea workers, their wages were meager at one time, which made it difficult for them to get one meal. They are agitating to demand an increase in their wages. Later it was resolved by the Prime Minister's anger. Their daily wage is 170 taka. With this money, the whole family eats their fill for three meals and they have nothing left. There are many workers who, Hunger waits for no delicacy. Then the rise in commodity prices made their lives more difficult.



Those who do cleaning keep our environment clean. How much hygiene do they maintain? Due to a lack of cleanliness, they are affected by various diseases. Without treatment, they die. Besides, there are many other workers who are burnt in the sun, work wet in the rain, and cannot eat nutritious food for money.


Due to this lack, workers cannot send their children to good schools. Their education ends up at the primary level. Life with their poor is indeed a great pain.

Are there any special events organized in your community on the occasion of Labour Day? Do you attend them ?

Our Steem for Bangladesh community organized a contest on the occasion of Labor Day in which I am a participant.

No, I have not yet attended any Labor Day program anywhere.

Share your inspiring ideas for honoring the contributions of workers in your community ?

In the eyes of Islam, Allah is the owner of the entire wealth, we, the people, only supervise the wealth. Therefore the relationship between every worker and owner shall be one of respect, affection, cordiality, and trust. It is the employer's responsibility to ensure that the workers live a dignified life.


Both employers and workers have a right to their own availability and each must be responsible for their own work.
Salary and remuneration are the right of every employee. Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said in this regard - Pay the worker before his sweat dries.

There are many employers who get their work done right by the workers but are very hesitant to pay them. It is not right to do this. Because they depend on this salary. One day's delay in getting salary leads to many financial problems for them.

The workers should be encouraged in every work if there are people they should be provided with food.

Workers may be given occasional extras for their work or their festival allowances should be paid on time.

They should be provided with good treatment in every employment.

They have to ensure their future and insure them if needed.

They should provide the education their children can get.

I will conclude by saying that for those who benefit from us at every level of society, it is their responsibility to see good and bad and it is on us.


I want to invite my friends @adylinah,@mini80, and @asiahaiss to this contest.

Thank you for reading my post, everybody stay well.
Best Regards ,


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