SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?".

Hi friends,

I am glad to take part this SWC season 10 Week1 contest @steem4bangladesh/sec-s10w1-what-one-thing-would-you-want-to-delete-from-the-earth. organised by #Steem For Bangladesh community.

Say No to War (1).jpg


What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?

If you had the power to permanently delete one thing from the Earth, what would it be and why?

If I have the power, I would like to delete 'Corruption' .
Because the world is ruined by corruption, the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer by spending their money on corruption. Globally, one in four people are said to pay bribes to receive government services. We all pay bribes in one form or another to see a doctor, get a place for our children in school, report to the police, get away with crimes.

Corruption has spread like a cancer and is emerging as a major problem affecting the society today. Starting from the common man to a nation, they have become a stumbling block to development and progress.


The economical experts stated that the problem of corruption will be the biggest challenge of the 21st century, and says that corruption steals all the basic facilities that a common man should have, including quality education and medicine. This is the reason why even though the economy has increased many times, the ups and downs of the rich and poor have increased many times more than that.

80 percent of the world's wealth is concentrated in just 20 percent. In this report, it is said that the police and politicians are at the forefront of corruption. According to the survey, their contribution to corruption is 36 percent each.

Even the nature created by God can be enjoyed only by the rich and not by the poor.

Especially in India, no matter which party is in power at the center, as well as in many states, no matter which state parties are in power, the only charge that the main opposition parties make against those rulers is corruption. Such corruption has become common not only in India but also in many countries of the world.

How will its absence have a positive impact on society, nature, and mankind? explain.

Corruption has shut down public sector institutions and left the private sector on the brink. As a result, the economy began to grow rapidly. On the other hand, intense competition for land and raw materials has developed between big companies in capturing land, water, radio waves, mineral resources, etc. Due to this competition, government assets and natural resources were sold at below market value.

Moreover, the income that should have come to the government exchequer, in the millions of crores of corruption that happened behind all this, went to the spoils of politicians and bureaucrats. On one side of this ups and downs, on the other hand, over-exploitation of resources has led to massive natural disasters.

As a result of allocation of our earths's resources, various types of resources are facing scarcity today. The mountains and forests that protected the resources have disappeared today. Along with that, it has corrupted various tribal peoples. Politicians and businessmen who have reaped the benefits of this monetarist economy are intertwined. Politicians are businessmen. Businessmen enter politics.

What can we substitute for it that has the power to resist all subsequent devastation?

There is no denying that it is only possible for politicians, rulers and government officials and all citizens have a great role to play in creating such a corruption free society. You don't have to go directly to get any government service. We have to bring that everything can be done online. Tender notification etc. for government projects should also be done online. Bringing all services online will lead to less bribery and corruption over time.

There are many strong laws but they are not enforced. In addition, new laws should also be enacted. If an official is found to have accepted bribes, stricter laws should be introduced to permanently remove him from office. Because the laws are not strict, even those who have already been caught taking bribes tend to buy again and again.

Even if someone is prosecuted for accepting a bribe, it takes a long time to get a verdict. Therefore, provision should be made for daily investigation of corruption cases. A quick investigation and the quick action that follows will strike fear into the corrupt.

As a common man we all shoul have resposiblity to stop corruption, everyone should start early to get any certificates and benefits offered by the government and not rush it. For example, if you want to buy a birth certificate for school admission, you need to apply in advance. If we stop at the last moment to get the certificate, it will be easy for the authorities to take advantage of our haste and ask for bribe.

It is the government that should make people believe that things will happen to them if they act in a fair way.

I wanted to invite @pea07, @parineeta, @kyrie1234, @poorvik to take part in this contest.


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