SEC-S10W5: My story of losing a precious thing

Hello dear friends,

I am very happy to participate in this SEC10 WEEK 5 contest: @steem4bangladesh/sec-s10w5-my-story-of-losing-a-precious-thing and I like the subject because it is to recalls my old memories, and the important moments.

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My story of losing My Smart phone

Have you ever lost something that was very important to you?(If you have a picture of the item please share it with us)

We have lost many things in life some of them we don't remember but some things are very important some things are expensive but some things are more important to us than expensive things and the regret of losing it is with us all our life so one thing I lost is my smart phone.


It was pearly white in color and my husband gifted it to me on my anniversary, although it was not that expensive but it was very precious to me because my husband had gifted it to me a year after my son was born. I took my son's childhood photos in it.

What emotions did you experience upon losing the item?

I only realize it out after a few hours after I lost the phone. I lost my phone, I searched everywhere, everywhere I went, I searched in my car, I searched in my cupboard, I searched under my bed, I even went to my neighbor's house and I couldn't find it. When my son was a baby he used to pick up his phone and play with it often and I think he dropped it somewhere. I was in an upset mood that whole day. I was very sad. Because I had stored very important photos, phone numbers of my friends and relatives and my account details in that phone. So I am very upset because the phone is lost.

Did you do anything to find it?What was the result?

I didn't find the phone at that time and after a few months when I was cleaning the house I found it on the back between the gap of the cupboard and wall and I think my son threw it there.

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Photos I recovered from the phone

The phone was not working as it was sitting in one place for a long time and it was dusty and rusted, however I gave it to a service center and inquired about whether it is possible to recover the important stuff in it, but only a few photos from it are available for back cover, which I am sharing here.

What steps do you follow to avoid losing such precious items in the future?

After this lost I realaize that we can buy precisous things but not the data or feelings, so I followed several steps that avoild losing

  • Every time we go out and back home, we should put our belongings back where they belong.
  • Keep things where children should not reach easy reach.
  • Often we need to make sure we have that item.
  • Don't panic and search every where

I would like to invite @avinashgoyal, @oishymaria, @shahid76, @mariami to take part in this wondeful contest and win.


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