A day Of Delegating Some "International University" From Around the World.

This @kanijakborbd
From #Bangladesh.

I hope all of you are doing. Today I come to share with you one of my volunteering experiences.

My Delegating Story

Many of you may know that I stay in a diverse environment now. It is really easy for me to work with foreign. We had an event at our university. Some international University’s delegate come to our university. And there are some students who got the opportunity to work with them and I am one of them. I am going to talk about it below.

So our event was held in Radisson Blu in Chittagong because our university does not have open space. There were around 30 volunteers working on that event. The event was about studying abroad. I am attaching a picture of our volunteer.


Our work was to help students by giving information like how they can be admitted to different universities. We explain the process to them. There were a lot of people who came to that event from different universities in Chittagong and Dhaka, those who plan to study abroad. I work with some delegates from different universities like Singapore, USA, UK, Canada, Japan, India and many more. I have a couple of pictures to share with you. Here it is.





We started working from 9 o'clock and then it was finished at 4 o'clock in the evening. But the saddest thing is they did not provide lunch. So after 1 o'clock, all of our teammates and friends got really tired. We got tired because we needed to talk a lot that whole day. We were telling people what are grade and certificate the need to get admit in different university. And, some people do not know english and we need to translate them into bangla. That was so tough.

It was a really exhausting day for us. Then, we all requested our event manager to give us a small break. He gave us a 20 minute break and we all went to a restaurant around 1:30 PM and took our lunch. So when we finish our work around 4 PM then they provide a box of food and some credits. That crediets was 1500 taka and a certificate. Here is the picture of that.


We were really happy to get that crediets. Our whole day's work was worth it.
Thanks for reading my post.

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