Reflection Paper of Internship in "Institute of Well-Being"

This is @kanijakborbd.
From #bangladesh.

If you follow my post then you may know that, I have done an internship under the Institute of Well-Being. It is a diverse institute where people are from different countries, cultures and aspects. I have learned and gained a lot of knowledge from this institute.

Basically, today I am going to talk about my experience and memorable things that I got from the Institute of Well-Being. To be honest, I have learned several new things from the Institute of Well-Being. Some of the things were really exceptional like Jaywalk, Carfree city and Mobile Playground. This word was absolutely new for me. But the way our mentor taught us, I absolutely got the concept. I want to talk about two things in my reflection paper. One is about my teacher Debra and her assistant Friba and another one is Mobile playground.

Our teacher was Debra Efroymson. But we called her AB. She is so kind and sweet. I sometimes feel like she is funny too. When she teaches us, she shows us some kind of body language that is really funny. And, it also helps us to catch the idea of her lecture quickly. In the learning process, body language is really important and I feel like AB is the best in that site. She is also so friendly, I have a lovely picture to share with you where we all stick together in the same frame. It does not look like she is our teacher. It looks like she is our friend.


Now it is time to talk about her assistance Friba. To be honest, I am a quiet person. It takes some time for me to mix with people. But I became so close to Friba who is an assistant of our teacher AB. First, when I saw her, I thought that she is an attitude girl. But later on I find out she is so sweet just like AB. I used to hang out with Friba and we even went bicycling together. I have a picture to share with you. It was when we were taking a rest after riding the bicycle.


Look at us, we were so happy. I am gonna miss Friba so much. I have never imagined that my internship will be this much enjoyable. I am so lucky to get the opportunity to intern at the Institute of Well-Being. I learn and enjoyed every single part of my whole Intern

Lastly, the most educational thing that I want to talk about is Mobile Playground. I have visited the Mobile Playground by myself . It was an interesting and educational environment for the children. Eventually, a mobile playground is a specific place and time where children come and play together with different kinds of toys. It is a good way to reduce technology addiction from our child. I went there and I played kindly and I absolutely loved it. This internship is not only a learning platform but also enjoyable. I have some cute pictures where I was playing with the kids and our smiles were priceless.

I have some more pictures for you actually. I am giving them below.



In the end I want to say, my whole internship was awesome and I love every single part of my internship. I would like to encourage people to participate in it. I am going to miss all the stuff and the building of this internship institute. But I hope to work with the Institute of Well-Being again.

Thank you so much for reading my post.

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