SEC-S10W4: ''A terrible day of my life''

White Striped Vintage Car Driving Instagram Post.png
Edited By Canva

What was the terrible day of your life? What happened to you that day?

I work in a city that is about 200 km from my home, so I rent an apartment close to my place of work, I stay there from Monday to Friday, and on weekends I go to visit my family.

One week I was thinking of visiting my family on Saturday morning, I had an old car (1999 model) at the time, a friend asked me to come with him to visit his family as well. We packed our bags, got in the car and started the journey.

My friend was talking a lot in a funny way, and we were busy talking and we walked a long distance, my friend noticed that the temperature gauge had reached the highest degree, so he alerted me, so I discovered that the temperature of the car was very high and I had to stop immediately to check the car.

We stopped on the side of the road and started to check the car, and we found that it was completely empty of water, and that was the reason for the high engine temperature. Unfortunately, we had no water to fill the cooling circuit. we waved at trucks crossing the road, one of the trucks stopped and its driver brought us water.

After filling the car with water, we tried to start the car, but unfortunately it wouldn't start. We kept trying a lot to no avail. We thought of a solution to this problem, so we had two options: either tow the car a distance of 100 km, or transport it with a winch, and because that day was Friday "a day off" and that there were not many transport cars, the driver of one of the winches took advantage of this circumstance and demanded a large sum, so he offered my friend to tow the car with another car (pick -up) at a much lower cost than a winch.

We called the owner of a van, tied up the car and started walking towards town. My friend volunteered to drive the car. We did 80 km and things were going well. We reached the first steep hill, my car started accelerating faster than the tow truck and nearly collided with the tow truck, so my friend suddenly changed the direction of the car, only to be startled by another car on this lane which hit my car from behind, causing it to turn on itself and pass the median island to stop on the other side of the road opposite. Like action movies 😁.. Thank goodness there was no passing car.. we would have been dead.

We got out and started checking the car, only to find it was damaged in addition to the other car. The accident traffic officer came and looked at the two cars and said that we were responsible for the accident and that we had to fix the other car in addition to mine.

The bad thing is that I couldn't see my family that week, on top of that, I paid a lot of money to fix my car and the other car, and that amount was more than the amount demanded by the owner of the operator winch!

Have similar terrible events happened repeatedly in your life? How do you keep yourself away from it if it happens? And do you still shudder when you remember that terrible day?

Yes, I have another similar terrible experience, almost four years ago, I finished my work, and as usual, I wanted to go home. I stopped a Taxi and got in, but the driver was driving crazy and told me he was in a hurry and had something to do. . We hit a sharp turn as he accelerated, and as soon as the car started to sway right and left, it first swerved to the right and collided with a series of rocks , then she turned around 4 times while we were there. I saw the world upside down and the air was mixed with the smell of fuel and tires.

The car stopped overturning and the driver told me to get out immediately. Of course, my laptop bag was with me in the car, but I couldn't find it. My love for my mobile device has prevented me from examining myself if there are any damages or bruises on it. I saw the bag about 20 meters behind the car. It works, but the screen is broken, then I remembered to check myself and you had minor bruises :D Thank goodness for everything 😁 😁 😁..

What lessons have you learned from that terrible event in your life and what do you want to tell others about it?

Glory be to God, we always find that the harm that befalls us has a lingering good within it, but by our imperfect human nature, we often do not realize this matter, so we look with indignation at God’s predestination that seems bad to us and offends us.

And if we listened to it and realized God’s mercy towards us, we would find that He pulled us out of something else with this difficult ordeal and this powerful test.

Many things, that seemed bad to me in their entirety and appearance, showed how much they saved me intellectually or physically, or changed my view of other things, and if it weren't for them, that cloud would not have been removed from my sight and I would have been "blind" as we say!

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @o1eh, @franyeligonzalez, @irawandedy to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,

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