Eating date palm fruits at the work site by @mdmahidulislam

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"

Assalamu Alaikum. Hope everyone is well. I am fine by the grace of Allah through your prayers. Today I will give a brief description about my work site.
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I came to Saudi Arabia in November 2021. After coming here and working in a few places, I got an opportunity to work at the airport. Here I work for 14 long months. I developed a very good relationship with the foremen in India. While walking with them, at one point they started to feel like my own people. At first I could not understand their language. I could not say anything on my own. I keep practicing how to learn hindi fast. Foreman guided me to learn the language online. I also follow it.
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Again I try to learn by watching what they say and how they say it. Within a few days I started to speak Hindi fluently. And within 2 to 3 months my Hindi speaking speed increased so much that if I go among Bangladeshis and start speaking Hindi, Bengalis think I am an Indian. All that remains is for me to speak Arabic. To learn that, you have to work with people from Saudi or Lebanon or Egypt. I didn't get any of them. But what I have already learned on my own, I can express the language of the mind with Arabic.

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So my foreman first got Taiyab bhai and Afzal bhai. After I was with them for 4 to 5 months, Afzal Bhai was transferred to a different place. I was upset but I couldn't do anything because he is a company man. He has to go wherever the company gives him. Anyway, I am a rental, I have no velu, there is no guarantee when it will be cut off from the site. I continue to work with Tayyab Bhai. The days were going very well. Sometimes I used to go around by car. The driver has also been replaced several times. I feel very sorry for everyone.

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I especially feel for Ilyaz Bhai. Sometimes I've even driven into the desert by myself. I don't have a license here so I didn't dare to drive on the road. Because the laws of this country are very strict. We needed a car to go to the work site. The company had big buses so we couldn't have it. Because we have no idea where to go when our work is on the whole site. Calls come from wherever there is a problem. So we need a car all the time. We spent our time happily. There are days when you don't even have to work.

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I don't know how many days I spent watching the film. We have never had any problems at work. One day after that, Taiyab Bhai was also transferred. I regret that day. I still had nothing to do. Indian Feroze Bhai comes as the new foreman. I am very concerned with him. Everything continues as before. One more person comes in foreman Pakistani Rajab Bhai. One day at work, I saw ripe dates on the tree. I said to Feroze Bhai, brother, I will eat dates. How to feed you go. He put 2,3 PVC pipes together and told me to eat dates. Go out with the car to buy dates.

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I passed many dates that day. First check which one will be better. Pick good dates and bring them to our office in a bag. Come and share with everyone, take as much as you want. I bring some dates for the room. Bring everyone to eat. Everyone is very happy to eat. In fact, the taste of fresh dates is different. Only those who have eaten can understand how it tastes. After that we ate dates many times. I went around with the car.
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Suddenly one day Taiyab Bhai came among us. Again I continued to work with three foremen with joy. I will write some more stories about this site later, so I will end here today. Everyone will be fine. pray for me


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