The Diary Game[ August 18th, 2023 ] : Jumma mubarak 🕌

Assalamu Alaikum

Today is Friday.
August 18, 2023
@mdshanto 🔷Form Bangladesh🇧🇩
Hi friends, how are you all? I hope you are well


At the beginning of the blog, I wish everyone a holy Jumma Mubarak. Today is the holiest day of the week for us Muslims. That's why I took a long bath to be completely clean. Because when we appear in the court of Almighty God, we are the greatest in holiness. Almighty Allah has commanded us to be pure at all times. Purity is a part of our faith. After bathing we performed ablution, after performing ablution we put on our circumcised clothes, Punjabi, and pyjamas. After wearing the clothes, I added perfume to the clothes and perfumed my hands.





After I prepared myself for namaz, I asked my friend Md. Shahab Uddin to get ready quickly. And as I said he quickly prepared for the prayer and came out to go with me to the prayer. Especially I try to go to namaz early on Fridays, because if we go to namaz first, Almighty Allah has arranged a special reward for us in Paradise. That's why I and my friend quickly left for prayers. And on the way to prayer, two friends caught the camera.

The distance from our room to the mosque is only three minutes, two friends walked together to the mosque. Since we had done ablution from home, we went directly inside the mosque and sat. It was very hot outside so the body stopped to go that far. That's why I went inside the mosque and tried to calm my body by sitting in the AC air for 3 minutes.After two or three minutes we both offered four rakat sunnah prayers. After finishing the sunnah prayer, I sat waiting for our mosque, he will come and read our sermon. Today's sermon was very special, because today we had a very beautiful speech about our main goal i.e. Jannah. I learned a lot from this talk. Today I will present to you what the master of our mosque has said about Paradise. Hope you all enjoy.Our thief first recited from the Qur'an in Arabic, then made us listen to his Bengali translation. Every religion has heaven and hell. Paradise is for those people who obey Allah and engage in all the perfect deeds on earth and live according to Allah's commandments. Lives from the Haram and seeks the Halal. That is, what we earn and the food we eat must be halal. Well Huzoor explained us in detail about Halal and Haram. After that, I discussed in detail how to obey Allah and how to get closer. Then he also discussed how we will get paradise in the hereafter. In order to get Paradise, we must live according to the rules given by Allah and described in the Qur'an. The key to going to heaven is prayer, that is, we must pray five times a day to gain the pleasure of Allah.

The next task is to refrain from all kinds of wrongdoing. And should do good deeds and encourage others to do good deeds. And others and Muslims should be invited to the religion so that they can follow the right path and gain the pleasure of Allah. Allah is the sole owner of all creation. In other words, you have to believe in Allah, you have to believe in the belief that Allah is one and unique. And to lead our lives according to the way shown in the Qur'an. We have to try our best in this world to please Allah so that the hereafter will be beautiful. That is, we should keep the fear of the Hereafter in our minds, and establish complete faith in the Hereafter. After the resurrection all our bad deeds and good deeds will be accounted for. And those whose sins are greater will be in Hell and those who do good deeds and on whom Allah is pleased will be granted Jannah. Paradise has countless blessings for believers. And in hell there is a terrible punishment. You will be successful only when you enter Paradise by Allah's permission. Hey, to get heaven, we have to try our best in this world to please Allah.Paradise is an eternal place where there is no beginning and no end. And all the desires of your heart can be fulfilled there in a moment There is the provision of Paradise for the believers and for you now eternal health, you will never be sick again. For you now eternal youth, you will never grow old again. And you will never suffer. Jannat is a place of eternal happiness, such numerous blessings have been prepared for us by Almighty Allah. And to enjoy them, we must be believers. Today's Jumma Namaz points were incredibly beautiful which can change life.Then the narration of the ended and those who did not offer the Sunnah prayer, all of them offered four Rakat of the Sunnah prayer together. After that, we all Muslims gathered together with the Jamaat and performed the obligatory two rakat prayers on Friday. After praying, we went out.


After finishing the prayer, two friends left for the hostel again. On the way to the hostel, two friends took a selfie on the side of the road which I have presented to you. After that I came to the room and got fresh and took a nap. I am ending today's blog here wishing everyone good health. Allah Hafez.

Thank You .

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