Contest - Happy Married Life VS Happy Single Life.

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✅ Introduction

Hello Everyone.

To every adult, the tough time in their life is the decision to settle down and start a family or remain single for life, many fear marriage because of other married couples' experiences or ideologies of what marriage is all about.

But the question is Which do you think is the happiest? Is it a Happy married life or happy single life? I bet you won't skip a line if you read my preposition on this fact.

✅ Happy married life or happy single life? Which do you think is the happiest?

I prefer a happy married life rather to remain single. Many people are afraid of the responsibilities, burdens, troubles, disturbances, or nagging of wives or children because of being married and having children. Becoming responsible is entitled to starting a family to keep your name and lineage in existence.

I prefer marriage over again, Do you know the joy and happiness of seeing your children calling you daddy every day, it will give you a sense of belonging and fatherhood. You will also be focused on where you spent your money and you will become a complete man.

There are negations where many people fear marriage because of misunderstandings which are common among couples, disrespect, restriction of freedom to some extent, and a lot more. Remember nothing on earth that does not have a price to pay and those are the prices to pay for having a family, get used to it and you will overcome it.

✅ Which of these two lives are you living now? Are you happy with your current life?

I am single, emmm🤔! I am happy but not completely happy anyway. I already have plans to settle down soon, I wish to grow older with my family and children, there is no gain in wasting the youthful age flirting but becoming responsible at a younger age is very important.

When you are single, you give more of your time to your friends and activities which may not be fruitful but when you are married, you give your family your time, attention, and money, which do you think is more profitable?

There is nothing wrong with being single but people with a purpose do the right thing at the right time, everyone of age should plan and settle down and give time to their families because I think that is the best thing to do.

✅ What do you think others are missing out on?

Not others but I in person among many others is missing the love of a family, all the single are missing that crazy moment with their children, missing a wife to trust and children to call their own.

Being single or married is not a sin but a decision to do or not, but the wise always say:


Always do whatever brings joy to you and makes you happy and do it right now, Learn to live life for the moment because everything else you see is not certain, Take merit of what is in front of you before it is too late.
~by M. Jerry~

If you go to adopt a child to become a single mother or father, why not get married and face the complete task? Be real to yourself and stop living in shambles of fallacy.

✅ What things do you do to find happiness in your current life?

I get busy with positive things and always be happy with who I am and where I am. I don't see it like I am a loser because I did not meet up to what I wanted but I see it as preparing myself for the best.

I live with children so well that I don't see a reason to be depressed about why I don't have my biological children yet, and lastly, I make good use of my single life such that I will have no cause to regret while I am married.

✅ Conclusion

It is more happiest to be married than be single and always judge yourself for the decision of remaining single, when you are due and ready, settle down, and start a family. And it is also important to agree to marry the right partner or else, you live to regret your marriage.

Oh! I know you may ask this question, what if Mr./Mrs. Right is not found? Let me tell you a secret;


If none among many is perfect before you then you are the one not perfect (check yourself). Learn to judge less and tolerate more.
~by M. Jerry~

Life is too short to be confused, do the right thing at the right time, Happily Married is better than Happily Single.

Thank you for reading

Wish to hear from this humble counselors @patjewell @ngoenyi

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