The Diary Game | 12 - December - 2022 | Training for a village development team of Hunger Project

Hello Everyone. I am @mostofajaman

Hello everyone, how are you, I hope you are fine, I am fine too, Alhamdulillah. Today I will present to you the second day of my training. Let's begin.

In morning time


The two pictures that I have presented in front of you are that I woke up in the morning, got fresh, dressed, had breakfast, and took these pictures at the gate of the training center. In the morning not many people are inside the training center but there is security guard and reception. We will start at 9 o'clock so everything was completed and left at once.

when morning session start


In the morning session our honorable sir discussed with us on various issues for social development to free a society from poverty and drugs and presented informative and factual issues before us. Our main focus of training here is on how to make the society free from poverty. Moreover, we have trained our society to work in a united and team manner for overall development. We were asked to accept the team and told everyone to work together.


Afternoon session


After a few hours of morning classes we were given a break for breakfast and then we sat again where we studied continuously until noon. There we were shown various videos through the projector which were educational and informative. We were trained very well there. Training presented everything in front of us in a very nice way and we arranged his overall issue with various problems in our society and wrote down the development issues in our paper which you can see in the picture we are writing them in the paper. There we wrote 10 years ago what developments have happened and what problems have arisen. Moreover, we had entertainment in between our various acts where everyone presented different types of comic rhymes. To get feedback on these topics we were all asked to write on the topic through small art and which were pinned on the board.



At dinner time


By discussing various topics like this, we often trained till five o'clock, then our training time was over, then we went to the room to freshen up and take a little test. For a long time after we took rest, when it was eight o'clock in the night, we went to the dining room to have dinner. I present to you the moment when we were all gathered at the dinner table and we were eating. It is actually a training center where you will get an adequate and coordinated training on all subjects. Here everything follows the rules and order so everyone was training nicely following all the rules. At night we all came to eat on time and went to my room nicely after everyone had eaten. That's how I spent my day very nicely and according to the rules. Thank you everyone, stay well everyone.


With best regards,

Thank you all for watching and reading my day. Stay well everyone. Hope you like my day.


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