Betterlife, The Diary Game, Friday 20 October 2023 : "My routine activities every day".



Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings

I express my gratitude to Allah SWT because in the presence of Allah SWT and with the permission of Allah SWT I can still continue my activities today from morning to evening, until now I am still a coffee shop keeper and in the morning I am a construction worker.

Today I woke up at 7.30 am, I immediately took a shower, after that I put on work clothes, namely special clothes that I had prepared in advance.



My job every morning.

This job is a job that I do to be able to fulfill my living needs and this job can also make it easier for me to fulfill my mother's needs too.



Working as a construction worker starts from 8 to 12 noon and between these times I always take a break to drink to increase my energy and enthusiasm in continuing this work.

At 12 o'clock I finish this work so I immediately take a shower, after showering I wear clean clothes and immediately clean the coffee shop, I do this because it really affects the comfort of customers when drinking coffee in my coffee shop.



The work of maintaining the coffee shop went smoothly until the afternoon and it was time to close the place briefly at 6 pm because I had to go home to see my mother and see if my mother was okay.

Not long after meeting my mother, sunset time arrived and I prayed evening prayers at home, had dinner with my mother, at 8 o'clock I said goodbye to opening my business again.

This day went well and smoothly until the evening passed until late at night then it was time to close the coffee shop at 1 am in the morning.

I would like to thank my friends who have given me criticism to be better here.

This is just The Diary Game from me, thanks for everything.

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