How important is friendship in Human Lives?

Partner,Soulmate, joygiver,husband,wife etc are all sometimes referred to the word 'friend'.Friendship is as old as humanity.Humans have co-existed for centuries providing succour and comfort for one another in times of needs.

How important is friendship in your life?


Friendship is very important to me,I myself as an individual yearn for companionship,compassion.I long for Love, empathy, happiness, loyalty, commitment and dedication in my day-to-day activities,all these can only be achieved through a Friend.Who can be your friend? our mothers,father's, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties,husband's,wives etc can all be our friends.

Why do we need friends in our life?



In Life we all need LOVE.Love is sharing with one another,so is friendship,i think it is highly recommended for everyone to have a friend in his/her.Life is too demanding with many ups and down in our everyday existence.We all need that emotional support plug called a friend who genuinely becomes your source of inspiration and motivational life is extremely important.It gives me a sense of belonging, stability and togetherness,I feel we all need friends in our lives.

What qualities should a true friend have?


A True friend should be able to share one deepest feelings and emotions,he/she should be compassionate,honest,not just honest but brutally honest who can look you in the face and tell you the truth as it is.A true friend should be able to defend your honour and integrity even behind your back.
A true Friendship must possess the following qualities; it is about what you have within you to give.
Maintaining and nurturing it requires effort from both friends especially in today's fast-paced world.
Friendship is a fundamental aspect of human life, friendship should be characterized by mutual understanding, affection, trust and support between individuals that enhances our lives in numerous ways, it should prevents isolation and loneliness and gives us a chance to offer needed companionship too which provides a sense of belonging and acceptance as it has a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being.for me friendship is not an empty term, because my siblings have personified the word for me so intensely. the bond we share is unexplainable, they are a place to fall back to, a shoulder to lean on. With them I can express my feelings freely without the fear of being judged, I'd say forgiveness has been the backbone of our friendship/ relationship as conflict is inevitable in any type of relationship.

Who are the true friends you have in your life and why? tell us about it.


My best friends are Ismail Shafa and Aliyu Gimba,I have known this two since I was a little boy,we have been through thick and thin.I can call these guys at 02:0am and the will come running to help me.Their parents are like my parents,my siblings are also their siblings.We eat together,laugh together and share the happy and sad moments.
I acted as the bestman during Ismail wedding,it is a moment I will cherish regardless of the stress I passed through on the day.
On 21st October 2023,I will be getting married to the love of my life and my bestfriend for life;Nafisa.One of the remarkable traits i loved about her is her empathy and compassion.I pray she passes this noble traits to my future kids.
In conclusion, i so much thank #steem For Bangladesh for giving me the opportunity to share with my fellow steemians the importance of friends in our lives.

I gladly invite @bossj23, @usoro01,sirexcellence01 and @emmy01 to participate in the great contest.
I really appreciate your time spent in reading this.

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