SEC-S10W5:My story of losing a precious things.

Assalamu alikum

I am @nasir04
From #bangladesh

Hello Steemines,,,

How are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of God Almighty. Alhamdulillah, I am also very well by the grace of God Almighty. Today I came to Steem For Bangladesh community to participate in the ongoing contest SEC-S10W5 : My story of losing a precious thing.At the very beginning of the competition I would like to thank @steem4bangladesh for giving us To give an opportunity to participate in a competition on such a unique topic.


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In all of our lives there comes a thing or thing that we are very fond of. And with time our fondness for that thing or thing turns into love. And it becomes an invaluable asset to us. Then we think about this thing all the time. Stay, always try to be around him, if it is hidden from our eyes, we do not get sleep.

I too had such a favorite animal. Which I used to carry with me all the time. But, in a cruel irony of fate, I don't have that animal today. Today I am going to tell you all about my animal through this contest.

Have you ever lost something that was very important to you?

Yes, I lost one thing that was very important in my life. The time was 2016, the month of Ramadan. At that time, I used to fast regularly even though I was a little young. Even after fasting, I used to play sports and mischief with the rest of the neighborhood boys. My parents made me Many forbade me to abstain from other sports, including football, while fasting. But I would not listen to them, so Chama's father planned to buy me a pair of baby guinea pigs, so that I could leave the sport and lie behind it all day.


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I used to sit in the garden and play with the two guinea pigs, feed them mangoes, banana leaves, grass, and bathe them with shampoo. In this way, being with them all day, my intense love for them was born and they became very dear to me.

After spending several weeks happily in this way, one afternoon I left them in my room and went to take a bath in the pond, but when I returned from the pond, I could not find one of my guinea pigs. After asking everyone in the house, my mother told me, "When I went to take a bath, one "The dog came and grabbed one of my guinea pigs."

After searching around, I found the whole body of the guinea pig lying behind a bush near our house, only the head was missing, the dog had torn off the head and eaten it.

Then the other guinea pig that I had also stopped eating and became sick. For this reason, my brother was forced to sell it to another person. So that my guinea pig can live well with the other guinea pigs of the man.

What emotions did you experience upon losing the item?


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After losing the first guineapig, I suffered more than the cost of selling the second guineapig. I remember tears welling up in my eyes when the guineapig was taken away. I used to cry a lot at night. I used to sit upset all the time, I didn't do sports too much. I always tried to stay away from everyone.

Did you do anything to find it? What was the result?

Yes, I tried a lot to get the guinea pig back. My father realized that I was not eating or playing sports and gave me money to bring back the guinea pig. Then I went to the person to whom my guinea pig was sold and asked for the guinea pig back for money.


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But, he told me that he had sold my guinea pig to another stranger. I had nothing to do then. I burst into tears there and cried even when I came home.

What steps do you follow to avoid losing such precious items in future

I now always keep my favorite things close to me to prevent them from getting lost or from stray animals. And when I go out, I leave them with my mother or in my room with the doors and windows closed from outside, so that no animals can harm them.


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Also, I make sure that no dogs or other harmful animals can come around our house and that my beloved animals do not go outside or far away from the house.


Just as our life is not eternal, so the things we like in our life are not eternal. Everything leaves us one day, no one can stop it. So don't get upset by remembering those things in life. Always remember two things,,

  1. What is yours will be yours, no one can take it away. And what is not yours, you cannot keep it as your own even if you try a thousand times.
  1. Emptiness is what drives man towards perfection.

What you lost may have been bad for you. So don't lose heart, keep your mind strong and hope for something better.


I wnat to invite @memamun @baizid123 @mamun123456 in this contest.

My Achievement 1 post link

Thanks everyone for reading my post

Thanks by,,


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