Betterlife: Story of my school life. | 06/10/2023 | @nazmulhudaa


This is my high school. I studied in this school. Many memories of my life are associated with this school. Many memories come to mind when I walk past the school. So today I am sharing with you some incidents from my school life.

I was studying in class two then, I had just joined a new school. I was never killed in the school I studied before, but in the new school, if I did something wrong, I was beaten. Anyway, one day we were told to first write the question in the notebook and then write the answer. But thinking it would be quick, I started writing questions and answers together. I did not understand when sir came back, suddenly sir took the pen and pulled me from the bench. Will you ever collaborate on writing questions and answers? He began using a cane to beat his hand. The hand was already cut a little that day. At first I was crying and saying, I will never write like this again sir. Once the cane stuck to the cut place and blood started coming out. Seeing the blood, I was also upset, I stopped crying and said, "I will write a hundred times, a thousand times. I will write like this."


Although the incident is not particularly funny, it makes me smile when I remember it now.

Once at the school sports and culture competition prize giving ceremony, I stood first in three leg race and spoon mouth race. So for the purpose of receiving the award, I had to sit in the first to second row of the ceremony. Those who were the first to dance and sing sat in the first row. Parents also sat.

I was a 6th grade student. A lady I know was sitting next to me. And sitting in front was another sister's mother who was the first to dance. He looked very fat (according to childhood perception). And there was a big mole on the face. His face was red and angry, it seemed as if his head would burst into flames. The lady next door said, look how that woman looks, terrible. A bit demonic. Look, so fat that we can't even see the stage for him. I also said in rhythm, I have never seen him smile, I have seen him many times before, he is like this. He probably beat his daughter a lot. In this way, Aunty's research went on for quite some time.
After a while he turned his head and looked at us, we also looked at him with a smile. Have you been talking about me for so long, he questioned?


At that moment didi's and mine's faces turned white, it felt like demonic aunty was sucking the blood of both of us with her eyes. He started saying, let's go to the big grandmother, there will tell the rest. Didi didn't sit anymore, she ran from the school grounds to the building. I was the only child looking at him with scared eyes and trembling. I felt pressure in the lower abdomen. What, what's your name? In which class? Hurry up, he said. I said, in class six. So his girls mean dancing girls were asked to get ready for the award. He turned to the front, I flipped the chair and ran away.

After they left, I went to collect my prize from Didimani. After that I met that aunt many times, she did not say anything On the contrary, my head would fall in shame.

What I learned that day, one should not say the opposite without knowing about someone. One should not criticize or make fun of someone behind their back.

Thank for reading my story

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