📢 Contest Steem For Bangladesh 📢📢 : "My Father"

My father a contest which is organised here in this wonderful community by @mostofajaman. Everyone on earth has a father either dead or alive. We all have a father figure in our lives and that is why I have found this contest very interesting today. I will be sharing my entry.

What does the word father really mean to you?

The word father to me means a guardian and a provider. Every father is seen as the head of the family and as the head of the family, he must be willing and ready to take proper care of his family I.e guiding the family with his life and also providing the need of all the family.

Every father shoulders the responsibility of ensuring that they provide a good life for their family no matter the cost. So a father is someone who is ready to sacrifice just to see that his family gets the best of life.

Describe and picture beautiful moments spent with father.

Everyone who has the privilege to spend time with their father are quite lucky. I wouldn't want to go into details since I never had the opportunity like others. But I have seen some beautiful moment that my friends or class mate had with his father.


In school one day, during the closing ceremony of our last term, a proud father came foe the ceremony and you can see the joy he felt seeing his son graduating from the school. Immediately the guy saw his father they both run towards each other and then hug them selves. It was really an amazing feeling.

Tell us about the greatest lesson and gift you received from your father.

I said early, everyone has a father figure in his or her lives at one time or the other. Is was privilege also to have a special gift from a father figure which I also consider the most important gift in my life.


At my graduation, I was given a gift of a watch which till this moment I honour so much. The watch came as a surprise to me because I least expected that on that very day but it came anyway. That is the more reason I treasure it more than anything else.

Discuss how important the parents are in the world from your perspective.

Important of parent to everyone in the world is something we can never look down upon and the reason is because they are more experience and better than us in all ways and the only way to do well to better is to always listen to their advice. I'm where I'm today because I listen to the advice of these great people.

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