"Importance of Family"by @parineeta

Hello everyone

6 May, Saturday

My name is parineeta and I am from beautiful country India. wish that all of you are having quality time with your family. First of all i want to appreciate @mostofajaman for selecting this topic for the contest. We all have a family, we all know how important is our family for us.

What ideas or knowledge i have about family?


A family could be a bunch of two or more individuals who live together and are associated by birth, marriage, or selection; all such individuals are considered individuals of the same family. For example, if an older married couple, their daughter and her husband and two children, and the older couple's nephew all lived in the same house or flat, they would be considered one family.

Family also mean a social group consisting of a husband and wife, children, and parents. A person learns to live from his or her family. A person's family is his or her initial educational institution.In current culture, there are various forms of families. These are,

A patriarchal family a family where the father is the head of the household. In our country, patriarchal families predominate.

Matriarchal Family: A matriarchal family is one in which the mother is the head. Our country has a very small proportion of matriarchal families.

Single-family: A single family is one that comprises of a husband-wife and a son-daughter. In our country, there are many single-parent households.

Joint family: A joint family is one that includes parents, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. In our country, there are many combined families.

Do i live with all your family members?

I want to live with all my family members like my father mother and brother but it's not possible. Every one is busy in their own duties. After marriage i have shifted to my husband house. I have no one in my husbands family. So now I am living in single family.

How many people and who are living in my family? Tell us through pictures.


There are four people i am living with. Me my husband,and my two son. my elder so is 5years old and younger is 7 month old.

What is most important to me in family 👪?

A family is created strong by a variety of elements. Of course, the most crucial is love. When i think of family, i immediately think of unconditional love. It is the first origin of love in every persons life; family educate us the essence of love, which we will carry with us constantly in our heart.

Second important thing we observe that loyalty helps to strengthen a family. When we have a family, we commit ourself to them. We need to support our family through difficult times and rejoice with them during happy moments. A family should always helps and supports one another. They need defend each other in the face of a third party attempting to harm them, demonstrating their loyalty.



Most significantly, what one learns from their family draws them closer together. For example, we learn how to interact with the world first through our families. They are our first school, and this lesson builds our bond with them. It provides us a reason to support one another since we share similar beliefs.

Another important thing in a family will never leave any member of the family alone, no matter what happens. They will always be by family members side as some one of the family face life's challenges. If someone is having struggle, even a brief chat about it with their family will make their mind lighter and offer them a sense of hope, an inner sense of power to combat their troubles.

These are some important things for me in my family

I hope you like it. I would like to invite @jannatmou @enamul17 @monirm

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