SEC-S10W5: My story of losing a precious thing

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I don’t know about you, but when I lose something I get totally stressed out. I am lost!
It will often feel like I am losing my perception of life, that I am no longer connected, and that I have lost my drive to be responsible.

I know hate is a harsh word, but I hate losing things. Don’t you?

Have I ever lost something that was very important to me?

Oh yes I have! And if your answer is no to this question you are not human at all.

I’ve lost something that was and is still very important to me. TIME!

If we look at the different stages of life we get prenatal or infancy, childhood, school age, teenager, adulthood, and lastly aging.

My life is definitely in the aging stage. The stage where time starts to matter.

"I cannot believe that half of the year is already gone!"
"Christmas was just the other day."

William James wrote in his book "Principles of Psychology," that as we get older life starts to get boring. We remember fewer happenings and that is the reason why it feels like time is flying as our days pass us by with insignificant events.

Yet we value time as it is more important than all the money in the world. This is me. It came as a shock to me on my last birthday that I am not getting younger but older. For the first time in my life I actually thought about my age and the possible time I have left on this beautiful earth of us. It was also then that the true meaning of time sunk in.

⌚ Every second counts
⌚ Every minute is special
⌚ Every hour adds up
⌚ Every day is precious
⌚ Every month is a gift
⌚ Every year is a miracle

I am losing valuable time! Time that is important to me…

The emotions I go through when I lose time

When it comes to being on time you can call me a perfectionist. I am never late. I am always the one who waits for others. Let’s take a Sunday in our household. I will wake the men up at least an hour before we have to leave for church. They have ample time to get ready yet I sit in the car waiting for them Sunday after Sunday losing precious time.

Let’s take a morning at the doctor. I always make sure that I book that first appointment of the day. Although I am there a good fifteen minutes before the time I always wait more than an hour to see him losing precious time, something I can never understand.

  • I cannot help but feel irritated
  • My anxiety levels increase
  • I feel uncertain of what is going to follow
  • I feel extremely frustrated
  • I am annoyed with those close to me
  • I often feel disappointed not only with society but also with myself when my time gets wasted

I regret the time that I’ve wasted in my life. Times that are lost forever.

What do I do to get time back?

I don’t have a magic wand, I don’t live near the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Thailand’s Erawan Shrine, or Blarney Stone in Ireland to make a wish.

No, I cannot get time back! Once it is gone, it is gone.


The steps I take to avoid losing time

I might not be able to get time back, but I can make sure that I limit the time I lose. Time is too precious for me to waste it on things that don’t really matter to me, things I don’t enjoy, and things that I cannot learn from. Time is also precious when I have things I need to do.

As I said earlier, it is only recently that I have come to the realization that time is now of the utmost importance to me. Therefore I am still learning what I need to do to not waste time.

I have managed to do the following so far;

  • I rise early as sleep is a waste of time for me
  • I schedule or plan my day as far as possible
  • I like to prioritize, normally doing the most difficult tasks first
  • I try to complete tasks as efficiently and quickly as possible
  • I multitask
  • If I know I am going to wait for someone I make sure that I do something valuable during that time. I normally read or study
  • I make sure that I spend more time with my family

It is only when you grow older that time plays a significant role in your life. It is also then that you start understanding the true meaning of "time is the most precious commodity."

My advice to all of you is: don’t lose time, but use it wisely as we all get older with each second.


I invite: @aaliarubab @sduttaskitchen and @waqarahmadshah to participate.

CC: @ngoenyi @yourloveguru @ustazkarim @shabbir86 @saintkelvin17

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