Contest - How Frugal are Our Steemians?

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Hello amazing Bangladesh steemians how are you all doing today I hope all is well as I pray for sufficient good health for everyone of us as the year 2023 is coming to an end.

Today I will be taking part in an amazing contest organize by @shiftitamanna and the theme of the contest is "How Frugal are Our Steemians?".

So in my today's entry I will be sharing with you all if I'm a frugal spender, the level of frugality needed in our lives, basic tips to be frugal and lastly some of the advantages and disadvantages of frugality.

What Is Frugality

For those of us that do not know what frugality means, frugality being the process of being frugal is simply a process whereby a person chooses not to eat much or spend much money on themselves for the purpose of economising their resources.

Are You Frugal In Spending?

Due to the present economic situation in our country now which is Nigeria, where things are getting out of control and life is becoming more unbearable for everyone especially for the common man.

So for this reason becoming a frugal spender becomes our only option, so yes I am a frugal spender and I'd always choose to spend my money wisely because I know the strive I had to pass through in other to be able to raise it to that amount.

How Much Frugality Is Necessary In Our Lives?

Frugality is very much necessary in a person's life because though most people may see it as being stingy but due to our present economic situation in our country I sincerely think that it is very necessary to be frugal when it comes to spending our resources or finances.

As a way of life of all Nigerians today, about 80% frugality is necessary and needed in our lives for our survival, unless you are a millionaire or a spoil child born into a silver/golden spoon.

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Tell Us 3 Tips On How To Be Frugal?

There's nothing much to say about being frugal since the level of frugality that a person posseses is sometimes determine by their income as a person with a low income will have to increase his or her frugality to enhance survival

So in other to answer the question some of the tips on how to be frugal are;

  • As a salary earner weather government or private worker we should all try to know and understand our salary to be able to split into the basic things we wish to do

  • Planning ahead of time is another amazing way of becoming a frugal spender

  • And the last but not the least is setting limit to our wants by cherishing the act of contentment

What About The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Frugality?

Below are some of the advantages as well as the disadvantages of Frugality;


  • Frugality helps us to be able to plan ahead of time

  • Frugality helps minimize the rate of unnecessary life surprises that may leave of stranded

  • Frugality helps keep us prepared for the future as the available resources we have today that is frugaly use may serve another purpose in the future


  • A Frugal person is a stingy person who goes a long way of even starving their selves all in the name of economising

  • Frugality deprived us off many lives necessities

  • Frugality helps promote loneliness as no one would be willing to be with a frugal kind of person

This will be the end of my entry and I will like to invite

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