The Dairy game 02/08/23 a good day passed for me.

Assalamu Alaikum, hope you are all well. Alhamdulillah I am fine with all your prayers. Like other days, today is a normal day in my life. And I came to tell you the events that happened throughout the day. So let's start today's diary.

I woke up in the morning. I got up and brushed, freshened up, had breakfast, every person does these things every morning. Then I went to the reading table. Reading this time is one of my addictions. This is the time I sit to read almost every day. And this time the attention in reading is a little more. I was reading, suddenly an insect flew and sat on my table. I have never seen such an insect. I have no idea what species it is. It was very beautiful to see. It was a short time. I immediately took out my phone, and took a picture of the insect.


The insect looks a bit like a fly, and a bit like a mosquito. I didn't understand what it was. I have never seen such an insect before. So I googled to know about it. And then I can know the detailed information about it. This is a fly of the genus Condylostylus. I can also find out that they have 250 types of flies. And I shared with you this incident that happened in the morning. Then I didn't feel like doing it anymore, so I went out. After a short walk I went to the tea stall. I sat down and ate a cup of tea.


The tea was very tasty. Sometimes I like to come for tea. After sitting for a while, I met a brother and talked. I gave him a cup of tea and he was very happy. I took him out for a walk. There was a chance of rain today too so I didn't delay too much and started coming home. It started raining before I arrived, and I got wet. Anyway, I came home and took a bath. Take a little rest and have lunch. Then I slept a little, the body was tired. Woke up, went out for a walk like any other day. I went out with my elder brother. This afternoon is the best time to go for a walk. At this time the mind is fresh and there is no thought. I like to walk around this afternoon and that's why I walk around this time every day surrounded by beauty. It is a habit of mine and I like it very much.



We went to a field near our house. Surrounded by green grass, the field looked very beautiful. I saw a flower plant shop next to the field. I was surprised to see the flowers that looked so beautiful. I am a flower lover. I used to take her with me as if the flowers were calling me. But I can't take it I didn't have the maximum amount to take. So I just loved the flowers and held them. I love it so much I can't express it. I just look in amazement, the creation of Almighty Allah is so beautiful that no one will believe it unless they see it with their own eyes. All the beauty of the world succumbs to the beauty of flowers. I have planted many flowers in my house and they don't care. Flowers are a favorite of almost all people. Enjoyed the beauty of the flowers, and spent some time sitting in the field. It was evening, I had to go home. But I didn't want to go, so I sat there for some more time. After evening it became dark, and my brother said he will leave now and not sit here. I will go home now.


On the way, my elder brother bought me potato crackers from a roadside shop. And this is one of my favorite items that my elder brother already knew. So he bought it. I am also very happy. We both came home after eating. This is how my day passed. Hope you all had such a wonderful day. Everyone pray for me so that I can spend the rest of my life happily and peacefully like this. Thank you all for reading my diary. I hope you will encourage me by supporting me. Please pray for me to show good performance on Steemit.

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