Contest - What is your opinion on whether charity should be done publicly or secretly?

What is your opinion on whether charity should be done publicly or secretly?

Haii Steemian!

In my opinion, the decision to conduct charity publicly or covertly is determined by the context and the motives of the person doing the charity.
On the one hand, conducting charitable work in public might set a positive example for others and inspire others to follow suit. This can also provide satisfaction to the person doing the charity since he believes he has made a genuine contribution to society.

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However, on the other hand, doing charity secretly can help maintain sincere intentions in doing charity. Some people may feel that doing charity publicly can get them caught up in the behavior expected of others and seeking recognition or praise. Therefore, doing charity secretly can help individuals to strengthen their intention to do charity without feeling bound by the desire to gain recognition or praise from others.

In the end, what really matters is the intention behind the action. If individuals act with good and righteous intentions, whether to do charity publicly or secretly should not greatly influence their decisions.

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Why do you think that this way of doing charity should be adopted?

I think that the manner in which charity is given, whether openly or discreetly, must be tailored to the individual's aims and circumstances. Some people may feel more at ease conducting charitable work in public because they wish to inspire others to do the same and set a positive example in society. Nonetheless, some individuals may believe that performing charity in secret is preferable in order to keep their motives pure and avoid becoming conspicuous.


Furthermore, the nature of the charity might determine how it is done. Certain sorts of philanthropy, such as establishing a foundation or charitable organization that requires the support and participation of many people, may have to be done openly. Other sorts of generosity, however, may be best done quietly, such as immediately assisting someone without seeking credit or acclaim from others.

Overall, the mode of charity should be based on good intentions and circumstances appropriate to the type of charity being performed. So, each person has to decide for himself the best way to do charity based on his circumstances and intentions.


Is there any benefit or social impact to charity in this way?

Of course, there are huge positive social benefits and impacts when someone gives alms in the right way, be it openly or secretly.
First, charity can provide direct benefits to recipients of charity, such as providing food or clothing, paying for medical expenses, or providing financial assistance in emergency situations. In this case, charity can help reduce poverty, relieve suffering, and improve social welfare.

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Second, giving alms can also provide benefits to those who give, both in terms of spiritual or emotional satisfaction. Giving alms openly can provide an opportunity for individuals to set a good example and motivate others to do the same, while giving alms secretly can help maintain good intentions and avoid showing off.

Third, charity can also have broader social impacts, such as helping to build a more empathetic society and reducing social inequality. Giving alms openly can help promote values ​​such as solidarity, equality and social justice, while giving alms secretly can help improve the quality of life and well-being of people.


Nonetheless, it is crucial to recognize that donating to charity does not necessarily result in favorable social outcomes. Contributing irresponsibly, such as to groups that are not transparent or trustworthy, might endanger people's faith in the charities that are intended to aid them. When donating to charity, it is critical to select a trustworthy and transparent organization or institution.


Who should be prioritized for charity?

Everyone should give priority to charity, regardless of their background or social status. Charity is an act that is good and useful for everyone, whether giving or receiving.

However, there are some groups that need special support and attention when doing charity work. This group includes people who are less well off financially, people who are sick or disabled, abandoned children, lonely parents, or people affected by natural disasters or social conflicts. In this respect, helping these groups can provide significant benefits for social well-being and humanity as a whole.


Furthermore, it is essential to consider the long-term viability of the charity being carried out. In this case, ongoing community support efforts, such as regular donations or volunteering in charity programs, can help ensure that the assistance provided remains consistent and beneficial to those in need.

Finally, everyone has the chance and obligation to do good in their own way. Individuals may make a significant contribution to society and the world at large by donating their time, energy, or financial resources.


In our everyday lives, generosity is a very vital deed to help others and better the world around us. Whether you want to conduct charity openly or in secret, the most essential thing is to have good intentions and to act in accordance with decent and human ideals. Let us work together to strengthen the spirit of solidarity and social care in society, and make charitable work an important part of our meaningful lives.

In this contest I invite @newby,@bintangsatu and @ikwal to take part in this interesting contest. I also want to thank @ripon0630 for holding this contest, I hope this contest will motivate the steemians to write. Once again I thank you.

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