Betterlife - The Diary Game | 17 January,2023 | When we are in work, our mind is lively.


Hello friends, I hope you are all well. In the morning I went to my college to return the books to the library; from there I went to the US visa processing office to confirm my uncle's visa processing documents; and in the evening I had my favorite funnel cake from the mosque.

Betterlife - The Diary Game | 17 January,2023 | When we are in work, our mind is lively.

The intensity of the winter is decreasing a little. Now the tap water does not feel cold in the morning anymore. It looks like winter is starting to leave us. Today I have to go to three different places to complete some work. So in the morning, after having a fresh breakfast, I finished my online work first.

The first thing I had to do was return the books to the library on our college campus. So without delay, I got ready and left for my college campus. Today the whole campus seemed very empty as all the classes at the college were suspended.


My campus Academic Building./ Location

Last week I borrowed two books, Calculus 2 and FORTRAN, from my math department library. On reaching the college, I met the library assistant of my department. And I showed him my library card and returned the two books I had taken from the there. The library looked very different without the students.


Our math department library, but there is no one to read today./ Location

The college is about an hour and a half from my house. I was a bit hungry after traveling so far. So after returning the books in the library, I went to a food court near our college campus. There are very good egg buns available, which are very popular among college students.

I often come here with my friends and eat these egg buns. It looks like a burger. The real test is the fried egg in the middle. It is very large. So after eating it, no other food can be eaten. It cost 35 BDT/ 0.33 USD.


This egg bun is popular among students./ Location

Then it was my turn to complete another important task. After paying the bill, I took a rickshaw to the USA Visa Application Processing Center. My uncle will go to the USA very soon for business purposes. As he is currently out of town on business, I am helping him with his visa processing.

I had my appointment at the visa processing center today. They called me yesterday and asked me to come to their office for final checking that all my uncle's documents are correct. After reaching the office and meeting the official there, I checked all the documents of my uncle thoroughly and confirmed them.


Usa visa application processing center./ Location

After completing all the work, it was almost time to return home. After returning home, I freshened up and did the rest of my online work. Today evening the monthly Islamic Quran Event was held in our mosque. This event is organized once every month, where various religious prayers are recited.

Interestingly, those who attend this event are given a special meal. That is Funnel Cake and Nimki(kind of toast). After the event , I was given a funnel cake and a Nimki. I brought them home and ate them. The nimkis were very crispy, and the funnel tasted amazing as always.


I got this funnel cake and nimki from the mosque.

Today I was able to complete all the tasks correctly and on time. Before going to sleep, I remembered the tasks that I had to do the next day. Many thanks to the creator for giving me such a beautiful day.

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