Betterlife - The Diary Game | 25 February, 2023 | Days are getting longer now.

Hello friends, I hope you are all well. This morning I prepared for my upcoming math exam, bought some chocolates from the store for my nephews, and ate my favorite chicken rolls in the evening.

Betterlife - The Diary Game | 25 February, 2023 | Days are getting longer now.

I woke up fresh and had my breakfast. After breakfast, I sat down at my reading table to study because I have a class test next week that I have to prepare for. If you sit down to read in the morning, you can focus better on your studies because at this time the environment is very quiet and there is less noise associated with outside noise. I did several math problems from the few selective chapters for the exam.

Preparing for next week's exam

After doing math for about an hour, I got up from the reading table and opened my laptop. Then first I started doing the greeters task I'm responsible for in the newcomers' community and checking the achievement posts there for any kind of plagiarism. After that, I completed the tasks that I had in the community. After working for about two hours, I shut down my laptop and put it away.

Checking for plagiarism in achievement tasks

My nephews are going to their house today, so they came and told me that they want to eat their chocolates. So I went to a grocery store near our house where all kinds of chocolates are available. I could not buy the coffee chocolates that I went to buy as they were out of stock. So I bought five-spice mango chocolate instead. All the chocolates were priced at 10 BDT/0.9 USD.

Bought five mango chocolates for my nephews

After returning home, I gave the chocolates to my nephews, and they were very happy to receive them. Then I noticed that it was almost noon, so I quickly took a bath and offered my Zuhr prayer. We had lunch with all our family members. Now the heat of summer is gradually increasing.

After lunch, I came to my room to take some rest. I had some more work to do in the shop, so I set the alarm on my clock for 30 minutes to take a short nap. After taking a short rest, I got up, freshened up, and felt very refreshed.

I set the alarm to take a thirty minute nap.

After taking the nap, I felt much better.

In the evening, I had some remaining work in our business shop, so I finished the shop work and came back home. After returning home, I performed the Maghrib prayer. Then I went to the kitchen to have my evening snack.

And there I saw my mom cooking chicken rolls for everyone. I ate a roll. They are so tasty that I wanted to eat more, but since they are fried in oil, I always like to eat within limits. I ate only one roll.

I had chicken rolls for evening snacks.

Then I opened my laptop and completed the remaining tasks in the community and had dinner with everyone at night. After that, I came to my room and watched some crypto trading-related tutorials online. This was my whole day's activity. Many thanks to the creator for giving me such a beautiful day.

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