Betterlife - The Diary Game | 26 November, 2023 | My story of a day in the land survey office.

Betterlife - The Diary Game | 26 November, 2023 | My story of a day in the land survey office.

Hello friends hope you all are well. For quite some time I have been busy with my father's land survey work. I am now trying to give my father rest most of the time and as the eldest son of the family I am trying to do my father's maximum work.

Last week I collected the tax of all our land from the government digital service. After paying the tax, the last step is to take the receipt and submit a copy to the land office. So I have to go to the upazila land survey office to submit the receipts.

After waking up and getting fresh, I had my breakfast. After a while I visited Steemit and checked the community posts. After that I got ready and went to land survey office by car.

District land survey office

After reaching there I noticed many people thronging to resolve their land related issues. In this small place, the land related issues of all the people of our district are resolved, so here people can always seen in serials. My work was in Adc building so I went there.

There is an officer from whom I have to attest our land documents. I had a bit of trouble finding the right officer's room as it was my first time here. Then by asking people I found the right room and entered it.

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at ADC building.

Many others like me had come there to attest the documents of their land, so I had to stand in the serial with people. When my serial arrived I entered the room and met the officer there and he took time to check all my documents.

While doing these tasks, I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 2 o'clock but I still had some work to do. So I thought of taking a break and eating something because I was there early in the morning so I was very hungry. I bought a packet of chicken biryani for myself from a nearby eatery.

Chicken biriani in lunch.

Biryani consisted of fried rice, a medium sized piece of chicken, an egg and a little broth. The price of this biryani packet is 150 taka and the steem price is 5.96 steem. I like the packaging of the food and the taste is good enough for the price. So I happily ate the biryani and then completed the rest of my work.

My aunt(my father's sister) house is next to the land survey office. I didn't go to my aunt's house for a long time so I thought to visit her house. I went there and met my cousins and spent a good time with them. There is a pond near their house on the bank of which we cousins had a nice chat.

Having a good time with my cousins.

I stayed at my aunt house till afternoon. Then I returned to my house before evening and showed all the completed documents to my father. By going to the land office, I gained some new experience and learned some aspects of land documents which I liked very much. Many thanks to the Almighty for giving me such a beautiful day. See you in the next diary game, friends.

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