Things we did as children for no reason...

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Do you remember your childhood memories? I remember very much. I sometimes wonder if I could get back those memories of my childhood.

Anyway, we all have wished to go back to our childhood at least once but it is not possible to go back even if we wanted to. But the memories of those moments will always put a smile on our lips.

Friends, do you remember as children we used to do certain things for no reason. Maybe you are having a hard time remembering. After a while you will understand what I am talking about things that I did as a child for no reason.

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Do you remember when we were children, we used to blow bubbles with hand foam while washing our hands with soap or handwash. As a child, most of the time when I washed my hands with soap or handwash, I used to make bubbles with the foam of the water.

Recently when I was washing my clothes with detergent I suddenly remembered the incident of my childhood and I went back to my memory. It is a very fun and joyful thing that we all did in childhood. I was able to blow the biggest bubbles after a few tries. You can also try it and you will get a lot of pleasure.

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We used to do many more such things for no reason. Another is to try to stabilize the switch in the middle. When we were kids at home we used to play a lot with switches for no reason. We did things like turning the switch on and off and trying to keep the switch stable in its middle position.

I tried this thing. Although I didn't succeed the first time, I did manage to stabilize my light switch in the middle on the second attempt. For many years, I have felt immense happiness by reviving the memory.

Another thing we used to do most of the time as children was to play with water drops. Keeping the water drops on the fingernails is something I used to try whenever I got water in front of me. After many days I remembered this thing which I used to do for no reason when I was a kid so I thought I'd give it a try along with the others.

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I managed to get the water droplets on my nails on the first try. Not only that I tried to make the thing more complex. I placed another drop of water very delicately on the still water drop and it settled very nicely and the size of the water drop was bigger than before.

I tried to put another drop of water in there but this time the drop didn't stay still and it rolled off my nails. But I had a lot of fun while doing the thing and I felt like I went back to my childhood memories.

In fact, I never thought that these small things can give so much joy. I can't go back to my childhood but I can revive my childhood memories. To be honest, when I was doing these things at first I felt very weird to myself but when I did these things, the joy I felt was indescribable. You can try I am sure you will smile on your face while doing these.

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