SEC-s10w4 : "A terrible day of my life"

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It's already week 4 of season 10 engagement challenge who is excited? Of course I am!!

What was the terrible day of your life? What happened to you that day?

Sometimes unexpected negative things happens in ones life and we are not comfortable or happy with such experience. I have had such experience too.

The terrible day of my life was August 20th 2015

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At that time I had just gotten a job at a financial institution just to save up some money before I get a better job.

I lived in a different city from where my parents lived. So I had responsibilities to take care all by my self. I lived with two of my friends.

The two friends I lived with all work in the same institution with me. So one of them travelled and asked me to cover up for her until she comes back. So am left to do her job and mine at work.

After work that day, I went to the bank to deposit both the sales money that came from me and the one that same from my friend. At the bank the cue was so much and I could not wait because I needed to be in church that evening.

Usually on Thursdays I attend church for our mid week service to pray and worship. I didn't want to be late because I had some responsibilities to handle in church.

I left the bank with the several huge money in my hang hand. After church, it was time to go home. I and my other friend left church together.

It was 7:30pm, when we got to the Bustop leading to my house. We dropped from the bus and started walking along our street. It wasn't even so dark. My friend was in front and I was at the back.

Suddenly I saw this guy dressed like a mad man coming in towards me. He was wearing torn clothes, no shoes on and with a nylon bag.

Immediately he passed me, from the back, he dragged my bag from me and moved but standing still . I could not understand what was going on so I stopped and asked him for my bag.

Before I realized it, he started running with my bag in his hands. I ran after him because I knew the value of what was in the bag. I just got that bag as a birthday gift, I had alot of documents from work in the bag and lots of money worth over 250, 000 naira equivalent to 2500 steem and my phone that's was barely one week old was in the bag.

I was running and shouting thief thief my friend even ran away and left me because she was at my front. No one came to help me out . I ran like I never ran before and when I almost caught him, he gave me a big blow on my eyes and I could not see and he got away.

My house was just few building to where the incident happened. I got home and told some guys they came out to search for the thief but didn't find him.

That night I was so upset at my friend for running away, secondly I was upset that I would have to pay for all the stolen items including money. It was a sad day for me. My eyes was not in good shape.

The next day I could my friend who travelled and my boss to inform them of what happens. I also went to the hospital to check my eyes.

I could not believed I was robbed, I could not sleep for so many days, so many questions filled my heart. I vowed never to pass through that route again.

Have similar terrible event happened repeatedly in your life? How do you keep yourself away from it if it happens? And do you still shudder when you remember that terrible day?

Well since then similar terrible event has not happened to me. The last time robbers visited the area I live now, nothing was taken from my apartment.

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One of the things I try to do to prevent been robbed is been security conscious. Once it's 7:30pm I make sure am at home and have no reason been out side my house.

When am working on the street, I am always careful of the next person walking at my back, Infront or by my side.

When Its time to sleep I take out valuables away from window. Because when yh robbers visited, the tore my window, open the window in search of valuables around the window.

It's been a long time I had that terrible experience so I no longer shudder when I remember it. But believe me back then I could not sleep without having night mares.

I was always scared back then, each time I walk on the street am afraid. But am glad that all is in the past now.

What lessons have you learned from that terrible event in your life and what do you want to tell other about it?
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The lessons I leant from that terrible event are numerous but I would try to keep it simple.

One of the lessons I leant is to be patience and not to be in haste or do things in haste. Imagine if I was patience enough to join the cue at the bank and wait for my turn to pay in the huge money I had in my bank. The damage caused would have not been so much.

It was also because I was in a haste that was why I didn't know I took all the documents and put into my handbag instead of leaving it behind at the office.

Another lesson I leant is never to expect so much from people because It might turn out to disappointment just like in the case of my friend that was with me during the terrible event. Instead of her to stay back and help me out she ran away to save her self first.

I was really disappointed with her and for a very long time I stopped talking with her. I knew if I was the one I would try to find ways to help. I remember once how I stood by this safe friend when she was a victim of such event. But here she was running!! Although we settled later on. To be on a safe side Don't expect so much from people

Do you know nothing happens to us on a daily basis, weekly, monthly or yearly by chance. Anything that happens to you happens for a purpose.

God is always aware of all that happens to us here on earth and you don't need to feel discouraged to the point of wanting to end your life because of a terrible event. You might get sad about it and even cry but don't give up!!

As long as there is life, then be assured that things will work out fine at the end. And we will all be happy at the end.

I invite my friends to this challenge @ninapenda @princa @sahmie

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