SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?

Assalamuwalaikum Wellcome to my content .

Introduce : I am @shahariar1 from #Bangladesh
Date :05/06/2023

I would like to thank this contest curator before I start writing this content. A beautiful contest to present to us. People do not stop in this age of modern inventions. Something is being discovered. All these inventions have advantages as well as disadvantages. However, there are some inventions which have more benefits than disadvantages.

And all these discoveries have a direct impact on our environment and biodiversity. Pollution is the environment and all elements of the environment.

However, if I had the power, the thing I would delete from the world is Pollution.

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If you had the power to permanently delete one thing from the Earth, what would it be and why?

If I had the power, I would remove all types of pollution from this beautiful world today. What is pollution? And why would I remove. I am discussing these issues in detail. I hope you can understand why I have this desire after reading this post.

Our environment with all the elements of nature and biodiversity. They have a beautiful relationship. But as a result of population explosion, people are using all these living things and their own living things more recklessly than their relatives. Indiscriminate destruction of wildlife and forests. Mills are being built, unplanned cities are being built. As a result, the air, water, and land are becoming polluted. The natural balance is being destroyed. New substances are entering.

Which results in today's content pollution which I would like to remove from this world forever if I had the power. So pollutions beautiful world is pollutions free. And people get rid of this pollution.

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Made / pixbay

How will its absence have a positive impact on society, nature, and mankind? explain.<

Before answering this question, I would like to explain a little more in detail what pollution means. Because if I understand this, it will be easier for me to explain how its absence will have a positive effect on nature and the human race.

An unwanted change in the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the biosphere that harms the biosphere and the environment is called pollution. Basically, the excessive growth of human population and indiscriminate development efforts have brought the earth to the face of this crisis called gray.

Pollution can be of different types. For example:

    1. Air pollution.
    1. Water pollution.

1. Air Pollution :Air pollution is the condition caused by natural and man-made changes in the concentration of gaseous components of the air or mixing with any other harmful components causing damage to living organisms and the environment.

2. Water pollution: If the physico-chemical and biological properties of water change due to the presence of harmful microorganisms or undesirable substances in water, human beings and other animals
If water becomes unfit for drinking it is called water pollution.

And this air and water pollution is closely related to human and nature. So if I had the power I would remove this air pollution from the earth forever. As a result, both humans and nature were healthy and natural. Earth's temperature would not rise. People and nature of this world would be healthy.



What can we substitute for it that has the power to resist all subsequent devastation?<

Instead of pollution, it is public awareness that has the power to prevent all subsequent devastation. We are creating all our beautiful things by killing wild plants. I am running different types of plants as fuel. As a result the environment is getting polluted. The temperature is rising. If only we were all a little more aware. Do not kill plants unnecessarily. Plant more trees. Then we will get rid of it.

Again, most of the water pollution is caused by human activities. At present, the main cause of waterlogging is excessive application of chemical fertilizers to the land. All these fertilizers are washed by rain water and go into different canals polluting the water of the canals. If we were all just a little more aware. So that chemical fertilizers do not mix with rain water. Then we can save from water pollution.

So I personally feel that public awareness is the only way to get rid of pollution. If we are all aware then the ocir pollution will go away from this world. And my wish will be fulfilled. So let us all be aware. And end pollution from the earth forever.


I am excited to invite my friends to a contest. Because the awareness of all of us will remove the disease called pollution from the world. @cryptoloover, @yonaikerurso, @pandora2010

I given the link below for the convenience of finding the competition.

Contest Link

Best regards,


Thank you very much for reading my post

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