Contest-Do you think suicide is the last resort?

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Hello dear steemians!
May Allah bless you! to all steemians, I pray that you will be very happy, safe and sound? I am full sure you will be good and busy and doing well. By the grace and help of Allah Almighty, Alhamdulillah! I am Good. Welcome to you all in my this article. Today I am going to be taking part in this great contest having title.

||Contest-Do you think suicide is the last resort?||
Thank you so much dear @enamul17 for organizing such historical contest.

Do you think suicide is the last resort? Share your own opinion.

No I don't think that suicide is the last resort. Suicide has far-reaching and far-reaching repercussions on individuals,
communities, and the world at large. This is important to access this situation with empathy, compassion, and understanding.
When people feel they have nowhere else to turn or have exhausted all other options, they may consider suicide. But remember that there is no escape from life's challenges, and suicide is never the answer. Those in need of assistance in times of crisis can turn to a variety of resources, including crisis hotlines, support groups, and professional counsellors.
It's important to seek help from skilled professionals, loved ones, or community services if your friend or someone you know is have a suicide thoughts or is fighting with mental health issues. Never forget that you have loved ones who are willing to listen and cheer you on.
In the event of an emergency or serious threat, it is crucial to contact the appropriate authorities. In a large number of countries, hotlines dedicated to preventing suicide are open all hours, every day of the year. Promoting honest discussions about mental health, reducing stigma, and providing needed assistance can help people find hope and healing during difficult times.


Are there any incidents that you have seen or heard of? What do you think the reason behind this incident ?

Yes I have seen an incident like this. One of my friend has suicide. The reason was failure in love. He failed in love and jumped from a building and died.
The root causes of incidents are often convoluted and interconnected. Natural
disasters, accidents, armed conflicts, and human error all play a role in some instances.
Examples of natural catastrophes that can inflict a lot of damage and casualties are earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. Plane crashes, workplace mishaps, and car accidents can all be the consequence of either human error or mechanical failure, or both.
Political, social, religious, and economic issues are just few of the many potential
underpinnings of violence and conflict. Wars, terrorist attacks, and mass shootings are all examples of such events. In order to better understand the causes of incidents and implement preventative measures, authorities, specialists, and relevant agencies typically conduct in-depth investigations into their origins.
Any situation calls for tact and consideration for those involved. The effects of traumatic events can often be mitigated through helping those directly affected, gaining insight from
what happened, and taking preventative actions.


How do you motivate those broken people to come back from the suicidal path to make their lives better?

Suicide prevention demands a sympathetic and understanding approach from those who are trying to help those who are having suicidal thoughts find hope and meaning in their lives. Some ways are following to stop this:

Show Empathy and Compassion
Show your concern for their well-being and willingness to stick by them by responding with empathy and understanding. Let them know that you care about them and understand their difficulties.

Encourage Professional Help
Insist that the person consult with a therapist, counsellor,
or psychologist for assistance with their mental health issues. By seeking out professional help, they can receive individualised coping methods and interventions.

Promote Open Communication
Get them talking about how they feel and what they've
been through. It can be helpful to encourage them to talk about their feelings so that they can work through what they're thinking.

Provide Resources
Provide resources for people to contact in times of crisis, such as hotlines, crisis centres, and support groups.

Engage in Activities
You can assist them find meaning and purpose in life by encouraging them to take up old interests or try out new ones.

Foster a Supportive Environment
Surround the person with caring and understanding
individuals, such as friends and family members, who can provide emotional support.

Address Underlying Issues
Assist the person in recognising and coping with any underlying mental health difficulties, interpersonal issues, or challenging life situations that may be contributing to their misery.

Focus on Safety*
If the person's life or well-being is in imminent danger, you should make getting help for them or calling 911 your top priority.

Avoid Pressure and Give Time
Recognise that getting better and mending is a procedure that requires patience. Don't force them to feel better immediately, but keep up the
positive reinforcement and support.


Remember that being there for someone in need can be difficult emotionally. If you feel helpless, it's best to suggest that the person go to a mental health expert who has experience
with such cases.

At the end of my article I would like to @azmat545
and @enamul17 take part in this creative contest.

Thanks so much for spending your precious time on my post

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