Betterlife : The Diary Game (29-05-2023)- Hangout with my Colleagues.

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

Assalamu Alaikum everyone. I hope everyone is spending their days in good health and well. I spent today a little differently than every day. Because today I had a get together with my office colleagues after many days. So friends, I will present all my activities today in this blog. So stay with me.

Betterlife - The Diary Game | (29-05-2023) |
Hangout with my colleagues.

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I have taken leave from office for few days due to some personal reason. So I woke up a bit late and got fresh. Today I cut short my online activities because I had a get together planned with my colleagues.

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My breakfast for today.Location

Anyway, I had breakfast first. I don't know why today I wanted to eat noodles this morning so I made it quickly.
After lunch I finished some of my online work. that time it was almost 4pm. After that I got ready and asked my sister to get ready as I will take her with me.

I met my colleagues at 5 pm as usual. They are my colleagues as well as my good friends. I have always had them by my side in any problem I have. And it goes without saying that they are my good mentors. It was nice to meet them after so long. I exchanged compliments with everyone.

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At the moment I meet with my Colleagues.Location

The name of the place where we were staying was Bailey Road. This place is very popular in Dhaka. It can be said that it is a heart center for young girls to hang out. There are many shopping malls and eateries. We decided to sit at a certain fast food shop. That makes the best burger in Dhaka. Which is called Burger Express.

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Burger Express food at the moment of ordering and our ordered Burger.Location

Burger Express' variety of burger items are very tasty. We ordered the Smoky Barbie Q Beef Cheese Burger. The flavor of which is really wonderful. And also took French fries and drinks. The price of which I have mentioned below for your convenience :

Name of the FoodBTD PriceSteem PriceTRX
Smoky Barbie Q Beef Cheese Burger
239 TK
12.58 Steem
French fries
150 TK
7.90 Steem
100 TK
5.26 Steem

Anyway we were all chatting a lot while enjoying the burger. I discussed various issues. about their personal and professional affairs. I talked about the future plans of everyone. To tell the truth, I was having a good time in the chat. And this delicious burger with it.

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Me and my colleagues in the moment of chatting.Location

After finishing eating and drinking, I wanted to eat ice cream as soon as I left Burger Express. I saw there was an ice cream parlor across the road. The name was Sub-Zero. I never tried their ice cream. My colleague said that Sub-Zero's ice cream is very delicious. So, without delay, I went to the ice cream parlor. After that, everyone started talking about ice cream in their favorite flavor.

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Me and my colleagues enjoying a moment at the ice cream parlor.Location

Name of the FoodBTD PriceSteem PriceTRX
Ice Cream
120 TK each
6.32 Steem

Finally it is our turn to say goodbye. To be honest, I had a really good afternoon. Back home at the end of the day it seemed like life seemed mechanical as the same routine went on every day. So people who are very busy like me must take time out and spend time with loved ones. This will increase your passion for work along with physical and mental tranquility. So far today, I will come back with an interesting blog later.

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.


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