Contest 📢📢 - Ego is the root of the fall.

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

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Assalamu Alaikum my friend and I wish you all the best wherever you are. Today I will participate in a beautiful contest organized by Admin @msharif Brother in honor of the Steem for Bangladesh community. Where the essence of competition is the root of pride's fall. Today I am going to share with you my opinion on pride. Where I will present to you the effect of pride on human life.


Who do you consider arrogant? Mention the characteristics of egoists.

Although pride is a disease of the heart, its external manifestation is only through human behavior. And it is from this pride that people give birth to violence, anger and violence. By pride I mean those who are arrogant or boastful or self-conscious. Arrogance is that which rejects the truth and thinks others inferior or despises oneself and thinks oneself wise in self-conceit. And I consider those who have this type of trait to be arrogant. Where as overestimating yourself in terms of reality. Here are some of the characteristics of arrogant people :

  • If there is an attitude of self-superiority and belittling others, then that person is undoubtedly an egoist.
  • It is a great arrogance to think of oneself as self-sufficient. Because we always walk by the mercy of Allah and He has not made anyone self-sufficient. So I think those who think themselves self-sufficient and neglect others are certainly arrogant.


  • Unjustly destroying someone's rights or defaming someone is a form of arrogance.
  • Another important trait of egoists is that egoists never admit their mistakes. Rather they blame their mistakes on other innocent people.
  • To regard the obedience or service of others as a great humiliation to oneself.


What you think if we are perfect at something we should brag about it?

I personally think if we are perfect at something we should not brag about it in any way. Because I think bragging is a bad part of human nature. Its benefits are more harmful in our lives. Anyone can be perfect in different areas in our life. Because Allah Ta'ala has distinguished everyone with some exceptional features. So that none of us can brag about anyone. It's normal for anyone to have a deficiency. But that does not mean that we should feel great by seeing the other person's lack.


After all, bragging about one's own perfection while making others think less is not supported by Islam. And here it is clear that one who brags against the truth will never gain his faith. Allah Himself has said that He does not like the arrogant or boastful. So I think nobody is born qualified. Everyone becomes skilled by his surroundings, environment, education, technical knowledge. In this case, someone's skill is more or less. But because of that I am not partial to bragging about ever claiming to be perfect.


Did you find someone to be arrogant on this steemit platform? If so, then why think so?

I have been working regularly on this Steemit platform for over 4 months. All the people I've talked to on the Steemit platform so far have never felt arrogant about me. Especially those much senior to me. I have talked to many senior steemians for my work needs but I never got any disrespect from them. Rather, they were always supportive of me. As among them there were people of different countries among whom I never saw any pride. They welcomed such a small user like me and helped me with various issues.


On the contrary, I think the Steemit platform is like a family. All of us here work with our own skills and hard work. But when it comes to a user's problem, I think everyone, whether they are acquaintances or strangers, have the mentality to help everyone. We hope that in the future, this beloved platform of ours will take us a long way as each other's partners by discarding the pride.


Analyze the root cause of ego collapse properly.

To be honest pride is a social disease in our lives. Because a jealous person is never happy. Hence we say that pride is the root of man's downfall. And to be honest, there is no room for self-conceit when it comes to being good. And we can recognize people with this egoless quality. A proud person is so proud of his own reputation that he does not set foot on the ground even as a human being. In fact, no matter how much he is wise and virtuous, he is not loved by anyone in society, rather they are the most hated in society. Pride destroys people and drives them to destructive actions.




Finally, pride is a virtue that belongs only to Allah and whoever tries to reflect this pride in his character, Allah destroys him and narrows his life. So we should ignore the basic truth of pride and we should avoid it. Because a believer should not behave like this. We should always practice modesty because Islam teaches us to always be modest and humble as a Muslim.


I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @enamul17 & @paholags to participate in this contest. Click here to go to the contest link.

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.




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