SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?".

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

Assalamu Alaikum everyone. Today I'm going to participate in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10, Steem for Bangladesh Community, the first week of competition. Where we are asked to present “What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth? It is true that, in order to improve the human life, the human-made environment is being created in the emerging world that if these problems continue like this then soon one day the life of the people on earth will go towards destruction.

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If the problems could be removed from the world because of power then it would play a very important role in maintaining the balance of environment and biodiversity along with increasing the standard of living of people. Today I will present to you what things I would like to permanently remove from the world and how it can benefit nature and mankind as a result. So, let's begin.


If you had the power to remove one thing from the world permanently, what would it be and why?

I would like to permanently delete Deforestation from the world. The importance of trees in our lives cannot be said. Trees are the only way for us to survive because we all know that trees take harmful carbon dioxide gas from the earth and release oxygen. Because without oxygen, not only human beings but also any other creatures cannot survive. I think a sensible person will be aware of tree conservation when he can realize its importance.

There are many reasons for eradicating deforestation permanently from the earth which I have presented below:

  • The first problem created by deforestation is climate imbalance and climate change. which all people of the world are facing this global situation. Because climate change has now become a major threat to the world.


  • Global warming is a big problem in the world because the global warming is increasing day by day due to continuous deforestation and increase in the proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

  • Biodiversity is also adversely affected by deforestation, which leads to extinction of wildlife.

  • Natural calamities like soil erosion, landslides, floods are being created.

  • Also in the future food insecurity along with the quality of life of people may decline due to this tree killing.


How will its absence have a positive impact on society, nature, and mankind?

I am hopeful that if we can prevent this deforestation, it will have a positive impact on our society, nature and the whole of mankind. Because I think that in order to protect the environment of a country and for socio-economic development, every country should have 25% of trees. It plays an important role in maintaining the natural balance of a country. Following are the positive effects if we can prevent tree killing :

As a socially positive effect, if we say that if deforestation stopped, every country's industrial factories would have improved a lot. Because, every country's industrial factories are built around trees and forest resources. And the supply of raw materials for the industries comes only from the forest resources of the country.


As a natural positive effect, in the absence of deforestation, global climate change and global warming will be reduced. By doing this, our world will be saved from natural disaster of tsunami.

As for the positive impact on mankind, I would say that the role of trees in the development and growth of human civilization is undeniable. Trees fulfill the basic needs of mankind, so if the destruction of trees is removed from the earth, the standard of living of the people will be accelerated.


What substitutes can we use that will prevent all further destruction?

I recommend using Tree Planting as an alternative to prevent all these destructions. There is no alternative to planting trees to prevent global climate change and global warming. If we need to cut down a tree, we can plant two trees in return. Because in order to eliminate the global temperature, it is necessary to remove carbon dioxide gas from the air. And to remove this gas, we have no other option than planting trees.


Today 05th June 2023, National Tree Plantation Campaign and Tree Fair has started in Bangladesh from today. This tree plantation fair is usually held every year to encourage the people of this country to plant trees. Bangladesh government management has been making the public aware about preventing tree killing and planting trees in different ways. This year's theme has been selected as: "Plant trees and take care and build a healthy generation country."



Finally I want to say that if I had the power to delete anything from the world then I would definitely want to delete all the things that are harmful to this world and human welfare. And there are devastations that are man-made, such as deforestation. To keep the earth healthy, we must know the disadvantages of tree cutting and the benefits of planting trees. Then we can live in a healthy world.


I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @simonnwigwe, @goodybest to participate in this contest. Click here to go to the contest link- SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth.

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.




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