The Diary Game (16-12-2023) || 16th December, Victory Day and 84th Foundation Anniversary Celebration of Bangladesh Betar.

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

Assalamu Alaikum everyone. Today I have appeared before you with a special day. This day is very special for the people of Bangladesh. December 16th, Great Victory Day. 16th December is the day on which an independent and sovereign state emerged in the world. And its name is Bangladesh. Bangladesh became independent on this day i.e. 16th December in 1971 after a long nine month bloody war. This day is celebrated by the whole of Bangladesh with great solemnity and enthusiasm.


I took this picture on 16th December on Victory Day and Bangladesh Betar's 84th anniversary celebrations.

Also honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina paid tribute to those who died in Bangladesh's freedom war. Moreover, the whole people of Bangladesh offer wreaths in memory of the martyrs. So to celebrate this great day my office Bangladesh Betar organized a grand event.

I would like to add one more thing to the celebration of the Great Victory Day and that is 16th December/2023 was the 84th anniversary of Bangladesh Betar. Due to these two important issues, a discussion meeting and cultural program was organized on the Bangladesh Bater.


Lighting up my entire office to celebrate the day.

As an official of Bangladesh Radio, my presence was compulsory. The program was supposed to start at 6 pm. I arrived before that. Entering the office, I saw that a lot of lighting has been done in the entire office. Besides, Honorable Minister of Information and Broadcasting Ministry Hasan Mahmud was the chief guest in today's event. So all the employees in the office are waiting for him to come outside.


I took the pictures in the middle of the lighting.

As the program had not yet started, I went to my section first as my colleagues were waiting for me there. I went and saw that gift packets were being made to present to the minister. After finishing all the gift items we went straight to the room next to the auditorium. My office boss is there. My colleagues and I met him. And gave us directions for giving gifts and new books of Betar Bengali to the invited guests.


Packed gifts for the chief guests and took photos with my office head.

Then our boss walked inside the auditorium. There the invited guests have started arriving. As the chief guest of the program has not yet arrived. So my colleagues and I took some time to tell stories and take pictures. I was giving guidelines to my male colleagues on how to distribute books.


Me and my colleagues at the event.

Then at around 7 o'clock in the evening, the chief guest of our program, the Honorable Minister of Information and Broadcasting Ministry of Bangladesh, Dr. Hasan Mahmud came. He was welcomed by Bangladesh Betar Director General Rabindrashi Barua with a bouquet of flowers. The special guest was the senior secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of Bangladesh.


Director General of Bangladesh Betar welcomes the Chief Guest Honorable Minister of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting with floral greetings.

The chief guest and special guest of the program took their seats on the stage. And this program was presided over by the director general of our Bangladesh radio. First, the program begins with the recitation of the Quran. After the recitation of the Qur'an, the main part of the program began with a discussion session.


The chief guest has taken the seat on the stage.

In the discussion meeting first, the presenter requested some important positions of Deputy General Managers of Bangladesh Betar to give speeches. Then the President of the program Bangladesh Betar Director General gave a speech on the occasion of Great Victory Day and Bangladesh Betar's 84th Foundation Anniversary. And the last speech was given by the chief guest of the program, Minister of Information and Broadcasting of Bangladesh, Dr. Hasan Mahmud.


Honorable Minister of Information and Broadcasting and Director General of Broadcasting of Bangladesh are giving their speech.

After the speech, the Director General of Bangladesh Betar Rabindrashri Barua gave a special gift on behalf of all employees of Bangladesh Betar. In the hands of Hasan Mahmud.


Presenting to Hon'ble Minister of Information and Broadcasting of Bangladesh.

After delivering the speech and giving gifts, the director general of Bangladesh Betar, Rabindrashri Barua, and the chief guest of the program, the minister of information and broadcasting of Bangladesh. Both Hasan Mahmud went to the other audience gallery and sat. Because now the cultural programs will start on the occasion of Victory Day 2023.


The Chief Guest of the program took the seat in the gallery.

First of all the cultural program started with patriotic songs. There some dancers danced to the patriotic songs of Bangladesh. Me and my colleagues enjoy that dance side by side. There was a lot of people in the gallery. They danced beautifully with the flag of Bangladesh in front of the guests.



The artists performed dances.

After the dance performance, the music performance begins. Some of the renowned singers of Bangladesh performed some of their popular songs on this Victory Day celebration. The audience in the gallery was also delighted with the rhythm of their songs and the chief guest was also enjoying a lot.


Singers performed songs.


flute players.

Then the segment which I liked the most was a song performed by Bangladeshi radio artists with flute tune. You can see in the next picture that they are making the melody of the song by just playing tabla and flute without any kind of song lyrics. I liked this part of the program. It seemed that they could give such a performance if they were skilled enough.


The artists of Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra are performing songs.

Then the last performance in the program was about the radio artists who were in Bangladesh during the war of independence. These are all the old artists of the then Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra who performed a few songs. They concluded the grand victory day program by performing the songs that they used to broadcast on the radio for the freedom fighters during the war of independence.


I took these pictures at the end of the event.

At the end of the program I came out of the auditorium. Then I saw the banner of Great Victory Day 2023 on 16th December this year. Which was outside the auditorium. I take a picture wherever I go. Then it was around 10 pm. As it was getting late in the evening before the event was over, I thought of saying goodbye to my boss and colleagues and leaving for home.


I took a picture in front of the main gate of Bangladesh Betar at the time of farewell.

People were still coming out of the auditorium. I and my colleagues went out to the road from the main gate of the office. Then hired a CNG and came to my house. This was the program organized by Bangladesh Betar on the occasion of 16th December 2023 Great Victory Day and 84th Foundation Anniversary of Bangladesh Betar in my office.

All images in this post are my own and taken by me.


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