📢 Contest - Happy Married Life VS Happy Single Life.

Life just like a coin has two ✌️ sides. It is always a transition that moves people from one side of life to the other. Married life and single life are both opposite of each other and in this contest today, we will be looking at which is most preferable.

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From the contest tips below, I will be attempting the contest organized by my dear friend and brother in the person of @ripon0630. Without further ado, let's go straight into the business of the day.

✅ Happy married life or happy single life? Which do you think is the happiest?

I'm still very much single hence I will be talking based on my singleness. Single life to me is the happiest of them all because as a single person, you are very free to do whatever you want to do. This is not the same for a married person because once you are married you don't make your decision alone any longer.

Singleness is the best for me also because as a single person, you don't need to bother about feeding or clothing or even providing for the family. You are completely on your own and free to eat what you want to eat anytime you want to.

Freedom in singleness is what made me choose it as the happiest period in my life. Once you are married you can't do a lot of things because of the responsibilities on your shoulder. You will have to calculate everything before doing them because you will put into consideration your wife and children as a married person.

✅ Which of these two lives are you living now? Are you happy with your current life?

As I have said earlier, I'm still very much single. I'm very comfortable with my single life as I don't have much to worry about as a person. I do things at my own will and at the moment I don't have to worry about providing food and clothes for anyone.

So in my current life of singleness, I am very happy with it. Since it is a transition, I should enjoy this life because once I'm married, I won't be able to return to singleness ever again.

✅ What do you think others are missing out on?

Those who are married are missing out on the freedom to do things the way they want to do them. Imagine having a wife and a child, you can't do things the way you want them because you will always consider the feelings of your site and children and the things they will be needing then.

You have a restriction on how to live your life once you are married and this is because as a married person, you need to live an exemplary life where others too can go ahead to learn from the way you live including your children.

✅ What things do you do to find happiness in your current life?

In life, everyone should always be happy no matter the condition. No one can give you happiness like the way you give to yourself. In my current life what I do to be happy is always try to do the things I love doing the most.

As a blogger, I always write even when I'm depressed. Writing helps me to overcome a lot of things in life. With such acts, you feel so excited. I also go out to mingle with friends in most cases and then discuss and laugh with each other. This also gives me happiness.

In essence, I do exactly everything I want to do anytime wish to do them and that has made me more excited than ever before. So to find happiness I do all that every young people do and then have complete joy since I don't get to be controlled or restricted by anyone.


Married life and single life are two different sides of life. As I have said earlier, it is a transition from one face of life to another. I'm still very much single and this gives me the ability to carry out a lot of things by myself. I find you in doing things without control from anyone or looking at how it will affect the other. Single life is indeed beautiful. I want to invite @cephasmbah, @vickyson, and @obiking to join the contest

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