Better life :The Dairy game (07.08.2023) |"Tea is love"

Assalamu Alaikum Steemians

My username is @sinthiyadisha and I'm from Bangladesh.


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Tea is something that all the people of the world are familiar with. I think that there are very few people who don't drink tea, tea is a kind of relaxation, drinking tea is a kind of medicine to get rid of the tiredness of our whole day.
Tea, an appealing elixir, has woven itself into the fabric of human existence, establishing a relationship that transcends time and culture. With each beautiful sip, its subtle allure entices the fatigued spirit, providing solace and warmth.
Under the surface of a simple cup, a symphony of flavors awaits a dance of leaves unfurling to reveal nature's essence. From the acute briskness of black tea to the peaceful delicacy of green tea, each kind symbolizes our world's diversity while remaining together in the embrace of a common passion.



I often go for tea from my son's coaching, but today I also went for tea, today I had a different tea tandoori tea and chocolate tea, I had tandoori tea and my son had chocolate tea, the tea was very delicious. The flavor was topped with malai syrup which I liked, and the chocolate tea was topped with Hershey syrup and condensed milk, the taste of it was also very fun.


In the art of tea, we discover a ritual of connection and introspection. It brings people together, sparking conversations, connecting them, and generating enduring memories. The rhythmic pouring of water and the twirling tendrils of steam establish in us a sense of alertness, grounding us in the here and now.


After we wake up in the morning, there is a saying that we have to have tea, as the morning does not start, if there is no tea after breakfast, then we have to wake up and have a cup of tea, and there is evening tea. After all, tea is a kind of love. It is very difficult to go a day without tea.
Tea teaches us patience as we wait for the brew to steep and appreciate the symphony of balance between leaves and water. It transports the spirit of civilizations across borders, conveying tales from other lands.

Thank you to read my post

Best Regards



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