📢📢Contest "How Frugal are Our Steemians?"

Assalamu walaikum to all my steemit friends

To all my steemit pals, Assalamualaikum. I hope you are all well, healthy, and having a fantastic time. By the blessing of Almighty Allah, I am in good health. It is important to follow certain values and ideals in order to live an ideal or moderate life. A crucial feature is a frugality, which does not imply miserliness but rather spending prudently in accordance with one's necessities. It is not about displaying money or taking delight in reckless spending. Earning money requires effort; individuals gain money via sweat, and spending it without hesitation is something I aim to avoid. I put out the question, "How frugal are our steemians?" I'm excited to compete in the contest because of this great concept.

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✅ Are you frugal in spending?

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Oh sure, I'm a frugal spender because I think it's a waste to spend on things we need and don't need, and waste doesn't bring us much good in life, so we need to be frugal. As I am a housewife and a mother, I don't feel comfortable spending on extra or unnecessary things other than what I need, my children's needs,s or my household needs; in this case, I can be called thrifty. Moreover, many of us go somewhere to spend some good time and go out to eat with family on vacation. They are also necessary in our lives, but in this case, we have to spend with awareness and not waste. It's good to be frugal but self-sufficient.

✅ How much frugality is necessary in our lives?

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We must be frugal in our way of life because if we do not practice frugality, our future generations will not follow it. Waste is not a good thing. We must be aware of that, because waste destroys our life and waste destroys our future. Becoming thrifty is very necessary to live our life well, so we have to sacrifice a lot to make life easier and avoid waste. We have to spend knowingly; wasteful spending and some kind of waste are also at the stage, so it is very important to be thrifty if we want to improve our lifestyle.

✅ Tell us 3 tips on how to be frugal.

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â­•Manage your expenditures.

To be thrifty is how we will spend our money and in which sector we will spend it means planning everything in a beautiful way. We have to manage our money with our intelligence so that we can use our money properly. If we keep a written record of how and where we spend our money in the right way, we have an idea of ourselves and where the expenses are high and low, so we can manage our expenses very accurately. And we will try to keep our costs within certain limits.

â­•Money should be used carefully

Frugality means reviewing life within our means, spending our money wisely and prudently, preventing unnecessary overspending, and writing down expenses for saving. Must be maintained within budget.

â­•Set your values in order of importance.

We have to set a value in advance for some expenses, we have to think in advance that we may spend more and reduce the cost in other places, in this our expenses will be in a balance and the money will be spent in the right way, we Many people have many kinds of desires, experiences and can save money for them by thinking many thoughts and in that case when we have such thoughts, we have to reduce the areas of our other expenses, so that we can fulfill our desires and Our money will be spent properly.

✅What about the Advantages and Disadvantages of frugality?


There are some advantages and disadvantages of being frugal.


Being frugal can change our lifestyle, we can reduce our expenses, increase our savings, increase our savings, free us from debt, and improve our quality of life.


Being thrifty again has to face many kinds of difficulties. Because of this, many people feel stingy because they have to hear many negative words from the people around them. Many people think that being thrifty can have a cheap attitude. Which is often faced with problems in society.


To summarize, frugality is an important component of living a life that is well-rounded, and implementing it correctly may provide a number of advantages in addition to avoiding possible hazards. Balancing necessities and desires is the key to living a happy, economically adequate existence.


I would like to invite my friends,
to participate in this contest .

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