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Hello to everyone in this wonderful community today. I greet you all in good spirit and I hope you all are doing just fine. I welcome you all to yet another week of the steemit engagement contest that has been brought forward by the steemit engagement team in other to get users in connecting to each other.

Today I will be participating in the ongoing contest which this community team has set up for us all to engage and which has been titled A memorable day with my friends.

I beckon on you all to stay put as I drop my entry and answering some questions regarding this contest below.

What did you do to make the day extra special? And the most memorable activity

It was a special occasion called valentines day so I and my friends decided to chill out so as to catch up with each other as though it is a season of love, We got dressed up and left the house.


But my best friend had a quarrel with his fiancee and they didn't talk for over a week. That incident got to me and so I decided to create a scenario for them to mend the broken wall and so I secretly told her where we were heading to so that she can come.

I have already planned this activity with the rest of my friends and we all decided to keep it as a surprise for my best friend. So I asked him to dress up because we are going out since he was depressed which was as a result of the quarrel he had with his girlfriend.


And then we took him to the school love garden and as soon as we got there, his girlfriend was already there waiting and when he saw her, he quickly ran to her and they both gave each other a warm hug and then they reconciled on valentine's day.

That was the activity I did that I can't forget and as such, the day was special for my friend and his girlfriend through my approach.

What funny moments did you experience during your time together?

Whenever I think about the funny moment, it gets me all cracked up lol. As at the time we arrived at the love garden, immediately my friend saw his girlfriend he wanted to hide behind me as if he has seen a ghost.


We all laughed as if our stomach was gonna explode completely because that moment was so funny. He is a shy type and he can't stand the fact that she was mad at him also the scenario came as a surprise for him and as such, he wanted melting.

Even his girlfriend laughed when she noticed that he was trying to hide himself behind me, so a friend of mine pushed him to go meet her and resolve their issues.

What did you learn about your friends from spending time together?

Well as we spent time together that very day, we I learned how to keep a solid relationship. Relationship with friends and loved ones can go a long way in this life, especially being in good time with people is the best.

We all gave stories about our individuals encounter with people who have helped us in one way or another and we noticed that those people in our lives are as a result of good relationship.

That is why we are friends, now if at all I am not friends with my best friend and his girlfriend, I wouldn't have helped them out by creating a way for them to resolve their issues.

So there are benefits that comes with maintaining good relationship with people around you because one may not know where help would come from in the future.

What was the most unexpected thing that happened throughout the day?

The unexpected event that happened that day was a scenario between a lover and his girlfriend. The man told his fiancee that he would not be in town on valentine's day and eventually he came with another lady to the school love garden.

We were there talking individuals when his fiancee came and pulled up a scene. She started ranting all over the premises and calling her man all sort of names and she kept calling him a cheat and many odd names.

That scenario was never new to us and as such we decided to change location so that the scene will not affect or destabilize our get together so we left that place totally to a new place and relax there.

What would make the day even better if you could do it again?

Well the thing I would do to make the day better if I could do it again is to come with my girlfriend. During the valentine's day, my girlfriend traveled and I was just all by myself that was why I decided to hangout with my friends.

Or better still she would have joined the crew so that we can chill together because it was so lonely without her and I felt jealous and more lonely when my friend was chilling with his girlfriend.

So that will be the thing I would do to make it better if I could do it again.

How do you think the day impacted your friendship?

The talk about keeping a strong relationship with others got into them so well and today, we are still together as one family. We got each others back and we keep staying strong together, for ever since we had that conversation, the bond between us got tighten up so well and as such, we check up on each other regularly.

What was the most meaningful conversation you had with your friends on that day?

The most meaningful conversation we had that day is how to finish our school with good grades and stay focused in whatsoever we are doing. I am a businessman and also a student, I need to be focused in my academics and also on my business.


One thing I like about my crew of friends is that non of us is idle. We are all doing something that fetches us money, so we don't solely rely on education. We spread our tentacles and that is the right way to do things.

We created an avenue where we share our problems and then we gave suggestions and tackled the issues as family. So talking about being focused in whatsoever we do was the best discussion we had that day.

And that conversation has sure paid off because we told ourselves that we will be meeting a target by December which is this month, and I tell you today that each of us has meet the targeted point that was set.

So that conversation has actually paid off this month.


It was indeed a wonderful day to remember. It came with both a happy moment through the reconciliation of my friend and his fiancee, also we noticed a tragic moment where a lady caught her man cheating on her, and lastly we had a wonderful discussion that has paid off. So I thank God that we made that day happened not just for our friend's relationship but for us all as family.

A big thank you to this community for giving us the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful contest, it was worth the while.

Thank you all for having me today. we will see in no time but for now, goodbye. I want to use this opportunity to invite some users to also participate in this contest and they are @badmus-official, @jenny281, and @skilocy.

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