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Hello to you all in this community today. I want to believe that everyone is doing just great today and also a big compliment of the season to you all.

I welcome you to yet another wonderful week of the steemit engagement contest that has been brought forward by the steemit team for the purpose of improving interactions among users in this platform.

I will be participating in this week's engagement that has been caved out by the community team which has been titled About my relationship with my loved one. This will be a quite interesting topic to talk about, why not stay with me to the end as I drop my entry. I wish you a happy reading.

How do you express love and affection for each other?

I and my love one have a unique way to express love for each other. We both know our love language and as such, we know how to express it to ourselves. My love language is act of service.

She does certain things for me that always increases the love I have for her every time. most often she call and ask after my day, she always check up on me and try to find out how I am doing. To the point of making dishes for me and bringing it to work so that I don't starve.


All these things triggers the love continually. It is as if she knows my intentions and reads my mind because she literally does the things I have in mind to do. That's how she expresses her love for me by doing the things I want at the right time.

While her love language is words of affirmation. When she does all those things for me, I always tell her what she wants to hear which is nothing but thank you and I love you. Those two words always burst her bubbles and she will just smile so beautifully.


If she put on a nice dress, I always commend her outfit by telling her those dresses are wonderful you look so ravishing in this dress, and then she begins to blush. She love me telling her how great she is and how lovely she looks whenever she put things on. So that is how I express my love for her, calling her the best woman and a wonderful lady.

So that's how we express the love between us.

What are some of your favorite memories together?

We had many memories together but some of which I will be telling you all.

There was this day I came to her school without her notice, although I was gone for a while and she didn't know that I was in town already. And then after reaching the school, I had a plan with one of her roommates.

I told her it was a surprise to my girlfriend and so we should keep it between ourselves, and so she agreed and played along. As I got to the school and met her friend, the friend then called her outside so that they can go and get something together.


When she came out and saw me, she was shocked and surprised. She quickly ran to me and gave me a superb huge that I almost fell to the ground, honestly that day was a great memory and we had fun throughout the day together.

Another wonderful memory was when she met my mum. It was on a Sunday and I decided to take her to mum so that they can know each other, immediately she saw mum she quickly knelt down and pay her respect to her and mum on the other hand accepted her with love.

It was unlike my mother, she always wants to checkmate any lady I come home with to see her before accepting greetings from them. But this one was a one way thing and without questioning me.

We had a wonderful family talk together and then my lady now made dinner for us all, we cracked jokes and laughed together. It was the first time my mum sat with me and a lady to crack jokes and I stored that memory in me

What have you learned from your relationship?

I have learned that two heads are far better than one. Sometimes I run out of ideas and certain verdicts but when I call her, she always brings solutions to things I find so hard to conclude by just sharing it with her.

She also on the other hand, sometimes she would want to do things but then she's not sure on how to carry out the processes. So she calls me and I will guide her on how to go about those things.

So we have learned a lot from ourselves. I have learned to share my problems knowing fully well that they will be half solved if I share them, also doing things in one accord is another great thing that I have learned so far in the relationship.

How do you handle disagreements?

We all have our weaknesses but thank God that we always come down to ourselves after a disagreement. Sometimes after a disagreement and when we all are calm, I pick up my phone and call her about the incident and then we talk about it smoothly then the issue is resolved.


Other times she does it herself. When we disagree to agree and when I am tensed, she always look for a way to calm me down especially with food. Sometimes the anger will come as a result of hunger as though we know that a hungry man is an angry man lol.

So we resolve our issues amicably and the next minute, we are cool with each other again.

What do you do to keep the spark alive in your relationship?

The communication is the number thing that keeps our love alive. The next thing is attention. No matter how busy we are, we always create time for each other and not even work can affect our timing.

We make sure there is no bridge in communication and attention because those two, as much as they keep a relationship alive when they are involved, they can also kill a relationship when they are out of a relationship.

So with communication and attention, my relationship keeps sparkling at all times.

What are some meaningful ways you use to connect with your partner?

There are ways by which I connect so well with my partner and some of them are,

  • GOING TO THE GYM TOGETHER - She likes going for jogging in other to keep fit and as such, as a man I decided to join her achieve her dreams by jogging with her, going to the gym, being supportive so that she can burn calories and look fit always.

  • COOK TOGETHER- She likes it when I stay in the kitchen to help her out. We cook together and talk in the kitchen, so that act makes us connect so well with each other. To the point that we do things like brother and sisters. So cooking together also spice up our connection.

  • GO TO THE SALOON TOGETHER - I love it when she always accompany me to the saloon to cut my hair. Most times, she gives me a style that always suits me whenever I made the cut. Also I do accompany her to the hair dressing saloon so that she can make her hair.

But the problem is that, I do not know most of the styles women make and as such I only keep silent regarding the style aspect but we discuss while the hair making is going on.

There are a lot of things we do to connect with each other so well but the above are the few I can mention here.

How do you keep communication open and honest?

I am always honest when it comes to things like this. We do not hide things from each other as though we talked about it from the onset before we started the relationship. So we keep the communication afloat and whenever she wants to do things, she tells me before doing them.

So if those things are okay with me, I will give her a go ahead to do it and if they are not I don't stop her but I will make her see reasons not to do them by highlighting the possible dangers that are involved.

I always give her a benefit of doubt and she has been truthful and honest with me. We do not hide or password our phones whenever we ar3 together. In fact, we both know the passwords to our phones.

So with this, honesty is maintained and communication is seen.


It was a wonderful topic regarding relationship. And with this kind of topic, a lot of people will learn many things about relationship and then do what is right if they weren't.

Thank you for staying with me to the end, I sincerely appreciate and honor your time.

I will like to invite certain users to also participate in this contest too. And they are @badmus-official, @josepha, and @skilocy.

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