THE DIARY GAME !! (12March 2023) !! Enjoyed I Beautiful Day !!

Hi Steemit friend, I'am @sushanta83
From #Bangladesh


Hello Steemit friends,How are you all,Hope you all are well.I am also very good with your blessings.Whatever I do every day I present to you through a diary.soI am going to present you a diary game.So without delay let's get started.

My Diary Game:

Today I woke up early in the morning.Then I left my room and went outside.I spent quite some time in my backyard.I also felt the morning weather.The weather was beautiful today.However, after that I physical exercise for quite some time in the morning.I often exercise in the morning to keep my body in good shape.If you can exercise regularly some time every day The body is very good.I have already finished the exercise.That's when I entered my room and started brushing my teeth with brush paste.

Then I washed my hands and face.
I rested for some time at home. After a while I was not ready to come to the store.You didn't know I have a grocery store.So I spend my free time in my shop. In no time I reached the shop.After Jai Hok arrived, I had breakfast at the shop, bread, banana and with that I bought some Jhalmuri and ate it.


I had breakfast in the morning.

Anyway I finished my breakfast and I was in the shop for quite some time.Also I have sold many products sitting in the shop.It was almost noon to be in the shop like this.Then I closed my shop and came home.After coming home I showered Now I am clean.Then I sat down for lunch.Today I had lunch with rice vegetable bhaji and egg curry.


I eat lunch.

Anyway, after eating, I washed my hands and face.Then I rested for a while.It was afternoon so I came out of the house and took a walk.Then I sat in a four store one I had a cup of tea.



In the afternoon I sat in a tea shop and had a cup of tea.

Then I came out of the tea shop.Opened my shop in the afternoon and brought my younger brother with me. Gave bread and choco choco to younger brother.The younger brother mixed choco choco in the bread and started eating it.I said to my younger brother, do you eat them like this? He said it's very delicious.I often mix it with bread.


Little brother is eating choco choco mixed with bread.

So I came home with my younger brother.It's almost evening so I stay at home without going out.In the evening I washed my hands and face.
I used my mobile phone for quite some time.Still I watched TV for a while, I ate dinner while watching TV.After eating I chatted together for a record time, finished chatting and was preparing for sleep.

Best Regards To
👉 About me 👈

Thank you so much for watching and reading my diary game.


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