The Shopping Game | 23/10/2023 | Bought essential items

Assalamu alaikum, how are you all today? I will participate as a contestant in this shopping game mentioned by our beloved @ripon0630, sir which he organizes. Shopping is like a daily companion, and we do some shopping daily.


And when this competition is about shopping, I will be pleased to write about it or give my opinion to everyone because it is one of the simple and everyday things that we cannot go without shopping because whatever we do is shopping to bring our essentials to ourEither way, we have to buy everything from small to big, so that I will share my feelings about my shopping and shopping experiences today.



My sister came to my house today, and she expected me, her, and my little son to do some small essential shopping, which we did. My sister and my son left home later this evening for shopping. We took a rickshaw later in the evening. We reached the market as it was puja season, so there was a lot of crowd on the road. It took us 10 to 15 minutes extra ime to go there because of the jam . We reached the market after 30 minutes.



We first went to a clothes shop to buy some clothes that we needed, but we didn't find any clothes that we liked, so we visited four or five more shops to see if we could find the clothes we wanted. We went to the store, found the dress we liked, and bought it.



Then, as we were walking down the street, there were some flower shops next to us, and there were lots of flowers. I took marigold flower pictures with my mobile; then we went to the cosmetics shop to buy coconut oil and powder and my son a brush and body wash.



We went there and bought our favourite brands, and it cost us a total of 450 rupees. And we went out with them, and then we went. After that, we went to a sweet shop and bought some sweets and jilapi s there. Then we went to the fruit shop because it took a long time to walk because of the crowd on the road. The fruit shop now has a lot of fruits, but the most fruit being sold now is Kadbel . approx. Every store has Kodbels, and these Kodbels are selling a lot now.



I went there and took pictures of some kodbel and my photo and there we were haggling with the shopkeeper to buy the models the shopkeeper was saying that the price of kodbel is more or less dependent on their size, small and big From there, we purchased some kodbels and then we went ahead It was too late for us to walk and buy these things.



Then we re-entered the market to see that most shops were closed and the market was almost empty as it was now late at night for the event. Hence, if we had anything shopping else, the things left to buy are not back today. We came home in the rickshaw. and sometimes had to go to the market again to accept these extra things.To purchase small items, we go to the market, and after buying those things, we believe they are our necessary and daily necessities, and today's shopping is over here

I invite
@mdovimia and

to take part in this amazing contest.

Thank you for going through my post!

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