📢 Contest - How is Labour Day celebrated in your country?

Hello Everyone
I am @taskinnahar12
From #Bangladesh

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First of all I would like to thank @ripon0630 bro for organizing such a nice contest. Almost all of us are familiar with 1st of May as Labor Day or May Day is celebrated all over the world. It is an international day. This day is celebrated on this day in almost all countries of the world including Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, the official holiday is announced on this day. First, we will know what the worker is called? Workers are those people who are responsible and duty and work for their family for a country with their labor. That professional person can be of many types, maybe he can be a skilled worker and he can be a manual worker. Many people think that workers are only those who do manual labor or work with body strength. They may be workers. But no this is completely wrong. Workers are those who do manual labor and work with intellectual power, almost all of them are workers. Civilization has become the result of labor over the ages. Since ancient times, Mesopotamia, Babylon civilization, Mohenjo-daro civilization, almost all major civilizations in the world have been built by workers. Their importance is most important in the basic development of civilization. It has been normal since that earlier era that workers did not get their fair value and it continues to this day. As a result of which various types of movements and struggles have developed over the ages in different countries in different states in different parts of the world. As a result of the workers' movement created in America, today May 1st is celebrated as Labor Day all over the world. This Labor Day is celebrated all over the world to honor and respect the workers and to welcome their hard work.
mine.PNG How is Labour Day celebrated in your country?mine.PNG


1st May is celebrated as Labor Day in our country. Every year 1st May is celebrated as International Labor Day in Bangladesh. On this day, almost all public and private institutions are closed, but even if private institutions are not closed, public institutions are closed and public holidays are declared. As a result, the government of Bangladesh and the people of Bangladesh respect the workers. In our country, various seminars are organized in different places on the occasion of Workers' Day. Basically, in each district of Bangladesh, in each upazila, a rally is organized on the occasion of this Workers' Day. Some are doctors, some are civil surgeons, some are government employees, common workers, van drivers, rickshaw drivers, common people, and many others. Several days ago, on May 1, 2023, a rally was organized as Labor Day in Rati district, in which various people and labor leaders spoke for the workers. He raised the fair demands to the government and to the common people, how much the workers are neglected in this country, they express through that statement, I think they are doing the right thing because it is seen that the workers are very neglected in our society. In comparison, I think they are paid very little, so some people bring salt to Punta Fura, this was the activity of our country on Labor Day.

mine.PNG ✅ Are workers in your country getting fair wages? How's their life? mine.PNG


My personal opinion is that the workers of our country do not get their fair value. For example, I want to say one thing. Many people in rural Bengal eat day by day. They have to live with what they earn throughout the day. It can be seen that what they earn throughout the day is what they earn for that day. It is said that the main reason for this is that the workers are not paid a fair price. There are many workers in the village who work in a house and eat all day. However, it can be seen that their daily salary is not more than 300 to 350 taka, but it is If a person has a family, if there are at least three to four members in the family, then I don't think it is right for a person to take a daily wage below 1000 rupees. Currently, the market price in our country is different types of vegetables, fish, meat, everything. Due to the higher prices, the daily breadwinners or the laborers have become a lot of trouble. Also, those who are suffering from poverty are in a more miserable situation. then they have no choice but to commit suicide and nowadays this thing is becoming more and more common in our country so the life of laborers cannot do much or eat well or do anything good and thus their life is going away in our country after working all day long if they get a fair price If they don't get it, what else should they do, the government of our country needs to see these things, the condition of the workers is very bad. So I would say that the condition of the workers of our country i.e. Bangladesh is very bad and I am drawing attention to the government to get rid of it.

mine.PNG ✅ Are there any special events organized in your community on the occasion of Labor Day? do you attend them? mine.PNG


On the occasion of Labor Day rally in our city Dinajpur and some points were presented to the common people and the government through which the workers can establish their fair price and right rights. This rally started around ten in the morning and this rally passed by my office around eleven. Then I saw a labor leader shouting loudly and giving various slogans and behind him various professionals and workers were talking to him. Also students were present. Some things were given to them by the Dinajpur District Civil Surgeon, some food and drinks were arranged for all the workers or labor leaders who participated. There were some activities on the occasion of Workers' Day in my community. But sadly I couldn't participate in it because I had a lot of work in my office that day so I couldn't take any pictures just from the outside.

mine.PNG ✅ Share your inspiring ideas for honoring the contributions of workers in your community.mine.PNG


For ages, workers are a unique craftsman in the development of world civilization. Without them, these civilizations would not have developed in life. It is believed that if the workers had not built these structures, the pyramids of Agra, Egypt, maybe the human society of the world civilization would have been deprived of these things today. We might never have seen these things, so I want to thank those workers and all those who are workers now for giving us such a beautiful civilization and world. We should respect and honor the workers who are doing various jobs around us so that we don't hurt them especially by giving them their fair value or what they are owed. Should our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said a word that before the sweat of the workers pay their dues, we should take care to follow this saying and we should also be firm on this saying if we have a worker working. If he gives, he should be paid the price before his sweat dries. I will inspire them so that they can give us and the people of the world something better in the future. I respect and respect their work. I will always pray for them. Whether it is an open worker, in my opinion there is no more fun than being a worker, doing good work, being honest and ethical than living in life by doing something unethical. Finally, I will end my blog by thanking and respecting them again. Thank you all.

I would like to invite my friends @simonnwigwe, @soythai, @waterjoe & @paholagsto participate in this contest.

Click here to go to the contest link-

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.




Best Regards


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