📢 Contest - Save Youth from Drug Addiction

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What, in your opinion, are the main reasons for drug addiction among youth?

"The youth is our future," they say, and it's a heartbreak, watching that future ensnared in the tentacles of drug addiction or what you call substance abuse. Our youth seems to be dancing dangerously close to the flames of substance abuse. Why's this happening? From where I'm standing, I see a multitude of reasons.


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It's no secret that we often mirror those we hang out with. It's often observed that if you're in the company of friends who use drugs, you might adopt the habit too. You become a victim of psychological pressure. You may feel that if you don't do drugs, your stature among friends would diminish. This very reason leads you to consume drugs just to seem 'cool'. Sadly, what seems 'cool' at the moment can soon turn into a one-way ticket to self-destruction.

Another reason is mental stress. Fast lives, academic pressure, home dramas, job anxieties... the list goes on. Some people turn to drugs hoping it's a magic eraser for their problems – but, it's not.

The third reason I identify is the lack of parental guidance. Often, parents get so engrossed in their work that they forget to look after their children. Children lack the ability to discern right from wrong, and so, they begin to tread the wrong path. It's the responsibility of the parents to guide their children onto the right path.

Moreover, our societal changes aren't helping much either. Our evolving society, our movies, music, and social media - they're all subtly portraying that using drugs is somehow okay. This illusion is luring our young ones towards substance abuse.

To what extent is drug addiction prevalent in your society? Do you believe it is important to prevent drug addiction among youth?

Indeed, drug use is prevalent in Pakistan too. The media might not showcase it, and few reported cases come to light, but the reality is quite different. The truth is, it's become a serious issue in our society.

I witnessed some friends experimenting with and getting attracted to smoking during my university days. Some start just for fun, but they get so tangled in this pleasure that extrication becomes difficult. Now think, if educated and aware people like us can fall into this trap, what about others?


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I fail to understand why our society doesn't take this issue seriously. We should strive to eradicate this problem at the root level. We should educate our children, make them understand that only harm comes from drugs. It's a path from which return becomes extremely difficult. For those who say, "Drug use isn't rampant in Pakistan," I just want to say, open your eyes. Look at what's happening around you. You'll get a sense of reality.

To your second question, "Do I believe we should prevent drug addiction?" Yes, I firmly believe we should prevent drug addiction. Everyone should stay away from drugs, but especially the youth. Why? Because they are our future. If our future gets entangled in drug addiction, what will become of us?

Preventing drug addiction in the young generation is the responsibility of us all. Parents, teachers, and society must unite to tackle this issue. We must educate our children on how drugs can ruin their lives. We must involve them in healthy activities so they take interest in these activities rather than drugs.

Saving our youth from drugs benefits not just them, but the entire society. If our youth are healthy, our future is healthy. If they become drug addicts, what will our future look like? Think about it.

I believe our country has this problem due to two reasons. Firstly, there's a significant lack of emotional support and mental health awareness in our society. Young people struggle to express their pain and tension, so they seek relief anywhere they can, and drugs often appear to be a source of such relief. The second big reason is the weakness of our law enforcement agencies. They do not seem to be genuinely interested in finding the true culprits.

How can youth be encouraged to make healthy choices? What steps do you believe would be effective in preventing drug addiction among them?


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In my opinion, the best way to encourage our youth to make healthier choices is by providing them with proper education and awareness. This should not only start at school, but at home as well.

Firstly, parents need to openly communicate with their children. Kids should feel confident sharing their feelings and thoughts. They should be explained that drugs are only a temporary solution and using them could endanger their future.

Secondly, schools and colleges should focus more on this issue. They should have professional counsellors who can guide students. If any child is observed to be a victim of drug addiction, they should be referred to these professionals.

Then, we should involve the youth in healthy hobbies and activities. When they have something constructive to do, they'll get involved in their passion instead of being attracted to drugs. Cricket, football, painting - these sorts of things can keep them away from drugs.

Next, we should make efforts at the community level. Community groups, religious organizations, and NGOs can also step up by organizing programs and workshops to raise awareness about drug abuse.

And, Let's not forget the big guns - our government. Law enforcement agencies must curb the supply of drugs. Drug dealers should receive strict punishments to send a clear message that dealing in drugs is unacceptable in our society.

My final thought is that prevention is always better than cure. We all need to make combined efforts. Parents, teachers, community leaders, and the government, everyone has a role to play. If we don't secure our future, what will happen to our society? We need to guide our youth, educate them. That's the only way we can save our society from this illness.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

I would like to invite @lhorgic, @dove11, @irawandedy, @patjewell, @malikusman1, @weisser-rabe, @stef1, and @ngoenyi to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 04-Aug-2023 | Achievement 1
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