📢 Contest - What is your opinion on whether charity should be done publicly or secretly?

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Greetings everyone! I hope you are all well and living a peaceful life. Today, I am participating in this contest at the invitation of @paholags. In this article that I am going to write on the topic of Charity, I will share some religious and personal views. I will try to answer the questions asked within the theme of the contest. If I make any mistakes, please guide me.

What is your opinion on whether charity should be done publicly or secretly?

When you make a public donation to charity, you have the power to inspire others to follow in your footsteps. It creates a ripple effect, as more people give, we can collectively make a greater impact on society. Plus, it’s reassuring to know exactly where your hard-earned money is going.

On the other hand, there’s something to be said for giving privately. Some people feel that it’s a more genuine and humble approach. You don’t have to worry about appearing like you’re showing off or seeking attention. And the best part? You can form a personal connection with those you’re helping.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Whether you choose to give publicly or privately, what matters most is that you’re making a difference through your generosity.



Why do you think that this way of doing charity should be adopted?

If I look at it from a religious point of view, our religion Islam promotes charity (Zakat). It keeps money in circulation and benefits the poor. Zakat is one of the fundamental principles of our Islam. According to Islamic teachings, it is not necessary to always give charity privately. The main thing is your intention behind the charity. If your intention is to please Allah and help people, then you can give charity publicly. There is no harm in doing so. Your intention should be right. If you give charity publicly for show-off, then it is wrong. This is why our religion Islam recommends that we give charity privately.

When it comes to charitable giving, remember that the way you choose to give can make a big difference. By donating publicly, you could inspire others to follow your lead and amplify the overall impact. On the other hand, giving privately allows for a more personal connection with those you’re helping.

When it comes to giving to charity, it’s really all about what matters to you personally. Some people might feel like public charity is just showing off and would rather keep their donations private. But others see the potential for public giving to encourage others to join in and make a difference.

Both methods have their pros and cons. Public donations can raise awareness and encourage involvement. But they may be perceived as self-serving if not done thoughtfully. Private donations foster a closer connection with the cause and its beneficiaries. But they lack the power to inspire collective action.

In the end, the choice between public and private giving is yours to make. What truly matters is that you’re making a difference in your community. Every contribution counts, whether it’s time, money or resources. You can rest assured that your generosity is making a positive impact.



Is there any benefit or social impact to charity in this way?

Whether you donate publicly or privately, your contribution can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Plus, let’s be real, it just feels good to help others. You never know when you might need a helping hand yourself, so why not pay it forward? Who knows that your donation could be the one that changes everything for someone in need. So, when you’re considering giving to charity, remember the impact it can have on both the recipient and yourself.



Who should be prioritized for charity?

Charity is a core value in Islam and Muslims are encouraged to lend a helping hand to those who need it most. The Quran specifically mentions the poor and needy as top priorities for charitable giving. This includes people who are homeless, unemployed or struggling to make ends meet. The sick and elderly, who may be unable to work or care for themselves, should also be given special consideration.

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But it’s not just about giving to those who are down on their luck. People in debt, travellers without means of support and even those who have been enslaved or taken captive should also be considered for charity. And let’s not forget about new converts to Islam who may need financial assistance to get established in their community.

Islamic charitable organizations like orphanages, hospitals and schools also do important work to help those in need and should be considered for charitable giving. So you see, charity in Islam is all about helping others and making a positive difference in the world. Plus, giving to charity doesn’t just benefit the recipients, it also warms the cockles of our hearts. Knowing that we’ve made a positive difference in someone’s life is an amazing feeling. 🙂

I would like to invite @lhorgic, @josepha, @irawandedy, @josevas217, @kouba01, @msharif, @nadiaturrina, @patjewell, @jesusjacr, and @simonnwigwe to join this contest, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Achievement 1
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