SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?"

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As we go through the amazing story of humanity, we have created countless things, each one a wonder of its own. These innovations were designed to make our lives easier, to simplify our existence. But if we zoom out and look at the whole situation, we see things differently. Faced with a new panorama, we realize that we have inadvertently created an odd situation. On one hand, we've produced an array of luxuries for worldwide comfort, yet on the other, these very creations have become harbingers of our destruction.

This paradox is a universal challenge faced by modern societies. We live in so much luxury that we don’t notice how our actions affect the planet. This obliviousness pertains to the detrimental effects of our own creations, which are becoming agents of our annihilation.

Despite being aware of this, we understand all too well the path we're paving towards our own ruin. Yet, we've become so dependent on these comforts that we find ourselves powerless to abandon them. This is a challenge every modern society faces, and today, I will attempt to address one such issue.

If you had the power to permanently delete one thing from the Earth, what would it be and why?

Suppose I had the power to permanently erase one thing from the Earth, it would be "plastic". You may wonder, plastic? Yes, plastic. Something that, merely a decade ago, wasn't such an integral part of our lives. Yet now, it's everywhere from our homes and offices, to our roads and oceans.

We must recognize that plastic is more than just an object; it is a culture, a plastic culture. This culture, one we've created, teaches us how to make our lives easier. But is it truly simplifying our lives, or merely giving us that illusion? This is a crucial question.

Plastic culture has taught us how to simplify our lives, but it's hidden the fact that it's complicating our existence. We use a significant amount of plastic daily, which then accumulates in our waste lands, where it doesn't decompose for centuries. Similarly, it builds up in our oceans, causing harm to marine life. If plastic were to disappear, both these issues would be resolved.

How will its absence have a positive impact on society, nature, and mankind? explain.

We need to realize that plastic use affects more than just our daily routines; it affects a big part of who we are. Plastic is so woven into our lives that we don’t know how to live without it. But is this right? Should we continue living this way, indulging in comforts that lead us to destroy the world around us?


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By eradicating plastic from the world, we would save our environment. We've witnessed the damage inflicted upon both our lands and oceans by plastic waste. On land, our crops are suffering due to plastic, and in the oceans, marine life is threatened by plastic waste. We can’t ignore this problem, and the only solution is to eliminate plastic from the world.

Plastic harms not only the environment and the sea creatures, but also our own health. When we use plastic, we aren't merely using a material; we are interacting with something that can harm our health. Harmful chemicals released from plastic products can enter our bodies, potentially leading to deadly diseases like cancer. Eliminating plastic would resolve this issue as well.

What can we substitute for it that has the power to resist all subsequent devastation?

Eradicating plastic doesn't mean we should substitute it with something equally destructive. We must find a material that can conveniently replace plastic without causing environmental damage.


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I think that natural materials, like paper or things made from plants, can work well instead of plastic. They are good for our needs, and they break down easily, so they don’t hurt our environment.

The use of plastic has become so common that we barely consider its replacement. But if we shift our perspective, we can surely figure out a way. This requires research, exploration of new methods, and most importantly, a willingness to change ourselves.

I would like to invite @lhorgic, @irawandedy, @patjewell, @chasad75, @senehasa, @dove11, and @paholags to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 06-June-2023 | Achievement 1
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