SEC- S10W3 : Team Work Makes The Dream Work

Hello friends and family members on this blockchain. accept special greetings from this end of globe.It’s another exciting week to partake in this week engagement challenge organized by steem for Bangladesh community. Topic titled “Team work makes the dream work”.



I think it’s a dream of every worker to value team work in his her jobsite .To make the work smooth and productive.Team work is always considered by many people as the best means of division of labour . I will presenting my own point and explanation based on the sets questions given to us to discuss about team work.

What Does phrase team work means to you ?

Team work refers to the division of labour, where a group of people work together to execute a task. Effectively at the end of the day achieving the purpose it was Made for. This also makes everyone to recognized the skills each member can be able to produce as as work is concerned.



This combination of work done by a group of persons .It’s always aimed establishing a productive and efficient work .This means teamwork can’t be established by one single person but together we can can excute a lot of tasks put infront of us at our various jobsite.

Do you have a experience being involved based on team work? Feel free to share your online and offline team experience

I have been involved in serval team work .Iam a student in the university inthe of Bamenda, most of my school programs are based on team work continues assignment . At times the lecturer will always pair us in groups .two, three or five in each group to research and work on a given topic .


My classmate and I doing our group assignment because we were paired on team to research a topic

The course we had,we were grouped in the team of three to work in a given topic .But at the end of day I relished only the two of us participated .One of our classmates who fall inthe same group with us didn’t do any thing but claim she was busy .I felt bad because only the two of us worked for group.

Another, team was a training with one of the NGO,s that invites us to partake in a training based on GBV (Gender based violence ).They selected us as focal points inthe community to attend the training .And we were paired in groups to excute a task before the training day.


Team work training a NGO and evaluation meeting of what all the teams ,am happy my team team was evaluated with the highest marks for task well done

I was so impressed the way my teammate collaborated to do the work. It was effective and efficient as everyone contributed and worked .I was happy on the day of the training my team was appreciated by our trainees for doing excellent work.

What obstacles did you faced in working as a team work

The first difficulties I have always noticed to work as a team is that to harmonize or accept views from teammates are not always easy by each other .Also people are always dependent to each others for establishing a task effectively, which makes it difficult to evaluate out put of each worker.

In addition team work at times is good but encourages laziness. Some worked deliberately refuse to learn skills because they know a fellow team members can do it well. Also communication and understanding is always a problem amonge workers. To havea team of pro active members and slow learners is a problem. These pro active turn to refuse to listen instructions coming from a team leader who is slow in reasoning .lastly team work turn to hide members potentials.

It’s possible a person can achieve more in teamwork than individual?

I think we can achieve more as far as team work is concerned.Despite some few challenges faced by teamwork, I think the best way to achieve your goals is through teamwork for effective and efficient out put.



Individual as a whole will be limited to excute a task if the tasks is huge .There say many hands do light work which I mostly believe with this phrase.If an individual managing a tasks at the jobsite alone is sick .Automatically the the work has to stop and at the end it will not be efficient.

I have come to end of my presentation, I will joyfully invites the following friends @wilmer1988 @chiabertrand @crismena and @josepha to participate in this engagement challenge.

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